A successful week of making the Campagnolo veloce cranks rotate at varying speeds against variable resistance. Puddles of hard earned sweat riddling the garage floor and the incessant sound of coach Troy haunting my vestibular system has resulted in none other than consistency. I really need to thank Molly for absolute ABSCENCE of any hesitation to commit to three or six straight sessions of this twisted preseason prepatory exercise we call....."spinning". Never did she miss a scheduled session and took all of a nanosecond to commit to this Sundays "Have Mercy" session. Kudos to Shawn as well forbattling his work and budding musical career to fit in a Monday and Friday session this week with reported commitment to also attend this Sunday.
Both heart rate monitor computer and or straps are in need of battery replacement so no juicy stats.....just a confession of a successful session of "Uphill Grrrrrind" for an hour inclusive of warm up and col down. My theory now is that as fit SSS increases.....man the suffering is getting more jntense Diego the body and minds will to push it longer and harder. Can't wait to test this pre season fitness.
Big week coming up.......
What is SSS?
ReplyDeleteThe consistency you & your friends have shown is ...well it's freakin amazing - very cool
hahahaha...need to make some edits. That's what happens when i post via Iphone....stupid auto correct and errors alll the time :) Yeah man, the consistency is freakin UNREAL. This is truly due to Molly....this girl is posessed man. She just picked up riding last season and NO JOKE, she'll be kicking some serious ass next season especially if she chooses to compete in duathalons...I'm hoping to recruit her to the world of Mt. biking...i think it's a given.....a serious mixed tag team podium combo with this one on board. Dude, I'm still freakin jacked from my HAVE MERCY session that I just finished.....couple more weeks ;)