Friday, January 23, 2015

2015 and fitness pursuits...Hmmmmmm

Was reflecting on the wall of race numbers decorating the garage earlier and decided to review the old blog that served it's purpose OH so well to keep me in check in years past. Now wondering why the lack of motivation to "go hard" or "stay disciplined" with a fitness regime...

My newest passion that has developed over the past 2 summer seasons has been riding enduro. Finding the time and the peeps to join in this pursuit is a bit more challenging than the mt/road bike scene and it makes me want to reconnect with that again. The "challenge" to this challenge is that it's winter....and no, I don't own a fat bike and yes, I've put on my home made studded tires on the mountain bike but the ZIP to get out and "suffer" just isn't as strong. appears the need to "suffer" is waning and I'm not sure what that means so, the dillema is now I sell the Husky and get a more performance/lighter 2 stroke and hop on the enduro race circuit?? Penalty for errors in this sport may be a bit higher than endurance mountain biking and I should look into this one a little deeper OR should I just continue to Chill and realize Life really isn't about the quest to DO faster, longer and better and just be. I found more joy attending my kids school skate today than loading up the mountain bike and going for a ride....hmmm...perhaps this is the blend mountain biking, enduro, with the kids....THIS is the goal me thinks...RECHARGE!

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