Monday, November 9, 2020

Entering month 4 of post knee injury...hopeful

 A few things have changed since last post.  Pulled trigger and picked up a direct drive Saris H3 trainer for the road bike to improve the motivation and the immersive experience for zwift'ing.  Haven't done a "proper" FTP test to set benchmark but finished 2 weeks of a 6 week FTP boost program and the knee is tolerating.  

I see I didn't update the findings from the Surgical consult that happened Sept 28th.  Coles notes...he recommended a two stage approach with the first surgery to "clean up" the knee (med meniscus and acl fragements that are most likely the culprit to limiting my end range.  Then....if I find instability becomes more noticable...address the for thought for usure.  He was actually going to schedule me in later in that week for surgery but already had a family trip booked for some R&R at Blue mountain.  Getting around then was a bit high ropes course for me but tolerated some light hiking.

Still No follow up with Surgeon(to date) around revised surgical date and feel this is a blessing in disguise...figure I'll avoid this with the path that I'm taking.

Been back on the moto and MTB.  No need for the brace for MTB and have had a couple significant dabs on the right leg with the moto without issue.  Fall glory is in full effect and the shift back to OUTDOOR MTB riding has come full circle.  Riding flats seems to be where it is at for confidence and flexibility for the more technical side of riding.  Looking at the moto all clean and tucked in for the winter is actually bareable...the desire to get it dirty and potentially risk another get off is keeping it parked to get some more MTB riding in for the next week or so, weather dependant.

Those first steps out of bed and out of vehicle after a long drive still present with a bit of a limp for the first few steps but that subsides pretty quickly.  Pain....not so much..just a "pinchy" sensation with that end range.  Positive things.  The question will be ....winter and the sports that come with...will this continue to assist with the gains to date?  TBD.  What I DO Know....I will definitely be committing to some consistent indoor training with my new zwift set up.

MTB later today...Hope is bountiful at this time...

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