Sunday, December 18, 2016
Ok....enough procrastinating....Yes, I bit the bullet and bought myself the "dream bike". God Bless the wife for enabling me to do this and next season will now be attacking the Vet B vs Vet C class in the Offroad Ontario XC series. Place pretty decent my first 3 events...2 podiums and a 5th place in the Vet C category. This bike is essentially like BUYING SPEED so first day back in GOD KNOWS HOW LONG at the gym to prep and drop some lbs for two reasons....1..the obvious and ensure I don't need to go up spring rates for suspension. Oldest is harassing me to go xmas shopping so tbc...
Monday, August 1, 2016

First proper OO XC event. Can officially say I am a BIG fan of XC vs Enduro racing. Enterred in the Vet C class as this is my first year trying hand at racing. Had aboslutley NO idea how I was placing as I was just out for a ride. Figured I'd get 3 laps in of a 13 k loop which would leave me with enough gas to complete. Crazy thing is that after 3 laps...there was no indicator race was done so...quick decision to fuel up (luckily the pops was at fuel station with the can) and head back out. Seems, after looking at gopro footage I was in third place for most of the race and actually battled for 1st on the last lap RIGHT TO THE WIRE. So...the little Husky CR 144 was the perfect rig. NEXT year...a bigger committment for more OO events.
Plan...enjoy rest of summer and get a few rips in after return from NB. A lttle taste of completing my third lap, quick fuel and hammering out a final lap with a fairly clear path:
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Free flow xc series rd 1
First xc event done. Finished 4th out of 7 or 8 in my class. Pretty low key event and perfect to try my hand st first XC experience. Surprised myself by getting the holeshot off of the line and quickly decided it would be wise to settle down and just get a moderate lap in to feel this out. Was settling in nicely in third place for first quarter.
Felt pretty good getting into the tight and twisty trails but went off course and watched three riders pass by third quickly turned to 6th. One fellow husky rider went down soon after and i was tailing a 601 bayside rider until the end of the first lap. This kid was wicked quick on a crf 230...quite surprised actually..managed to get by him after the second lap entry into the woods and thats all the traffic I saw until I crossed the finish line.
Highlights...finishing 4th, hitting a tree, surviving 30 km of riding..borderline racing in 30 deg heet NOT including the humidex....dusty.
Plan...missing round two due to participating in a motionball charity event. Will have to look at schedule but believe there may be an OO event....a but morw grueling and more competitive...wjy not ;)
Sunday, May 15, 2016
2 more sleeps until Strickland XC
I've ridden the trails a few times and ALMOST enterred the event last year on the big bore 450. This will be a gruelling 2 hour event that I am really looking forward to. Perks...wife, kids and pops will be set up to cheer me on. Always good motivation. Figure I should probably hang it out in this event. What's the worst that could happen...I hit a's so tight and twisty that hitting a tree at those speeds will certainly buff out. Well now...let's see what happens. Got in a ride early, and I mean EARLY yesterday with a ripper of a rider Jake Stapelton. Wasn't aware of his pedigree until I got home and opened up my MX/Offroad mag to see his mug on the third page sharing some of his ISDE experiences.
Seems like 2016 goals have happened..a 5th then 4th in first 2 events. Let's see what happens Saturday. Plan...first lap...smooth and steady...each progressive lap...FASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BrrrRRAAAAAAP!!!!!!!
Minipine enduro 2016 - 5th place!
Had no idea what to expect for my first enduro. Weather went from rain to sun to snow to hail throughout. My tear offs were torn off out of frustration 5 km in and fogging up led me to riding without goggles for probably half of the event.
Recap...first 35 kicked my a#$...being cold then hot with too many layers didnt help either but after the first special test temps started to get normalized and arm pump was subsiding. A great time...the little husky is a weapon and the new fmfm silencer certainly perked up the low to mid range whap.
What would I do differently....back it off at the start and not RACE the sections in between the stages was hard to take it down a notch...conditions were supreme. Now onto the freeflow xc series and finsih off the year withnStrickland xc and the last oftr event....maybe the boogie but....really this little rig is meant to rip....not tour so boogie may be out.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
4 more sleeps until mini pine enduro
Blah blah blah research shows if you document....put down your journey on some medium for inspires. Believe this is true when I used this for mountain bike training we go
Goal: Podium...I said PODIUM an enduro event this season....*cue mic drop*
How to measure this: enter enduro pine this weekend and free flow series along with strickland xc
Acheivable?: hells yeah
Realistic? Why not
Time based: 2016 season begins in 5 days
all kidding aside...I do believe standing on a podium and accepting accolades for a sweet ripper of a ride is in the cards. Extrememly happy with the move imade selling the big beastly 450 for the weapon of the woods Cr 144. First true test of what this, and me on it, could do at Limerick last weekend. Its quick and nimble. Only potential unease I have is with the smaller 5L tank.....apparently 80 to 90 km of trail riding will be completed with full course inclusive of special timed stages this weekend. Year one...figuring it out
On a more sombre note the risks of riding enduro at limits have clearly presented themselves over the past two weeks now....first with the passing of a prominent member of the enduro moto community, Blake MacMillan and now Steve Smith, pro DH mt. Bike rider. These two events have me really saddened for those family and friends affected andat same time grateful for all of those rides where when things could have gone badly....didn't.
Summary of reflection....more horsepower and greater speed is NOT needed to enjoy this sport that I am engrossed in....smooth and consistent is my new mantra when I am out riding. Also...purchased an EVS neck brace and do not undermine the risks and penalty for failure in this sport.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Novelty wearing off
Will reconnect with this medium when I have specific training goals. ... just punching into some boring old standard fitness waiting fir snow to melt and trails/tracks open. .
Friday, March 4, 2016
Hello Good life
Well now..I punched in to the gym today and fed the head...or should it be starved the head...with some exhaustion.
30 min of crosstrainer intervals at 4n4 and 10n10 with progressive resistance every 20 sec on 2 min intervals. Fired through a circuit of bench,Flys Rev Flys, standing bicep curls w dumbells and some mat work. Felt like forever but felt good. Get a leg day in this weekend.
Plan..."prep for ripping" initiated. Next week...pre work spin sessions twice a week and add a weight day or 2 if able.
The blog entries are working...feeling motivated to get lean and mean...
Plan to fire up the bike after having carb apart and rip around the block a couple times to begin setting up jetting for spring...hope neighbour's don't get too up in arms with the 2 stroke sound...
Thursday, March 3, 2016
2016 getting defined writing this down it makes me accountable to prepare. I have decided to enter some enduro races this year. Mini pine in April and Strickland Xc events for sure. last 2 plus hours of ripping around an enduro course on a spirited Husky CR I'll need to use that bloody gym membership. No more excuses....entry tomorrow and more to come to document this journey.
Reality check...use this year as an introduction to the sport. Next year...that's another year and will evaluate that after experiences from this year :)
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Old man shuffle
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Changing gears