Wow....not one single entry for 2018......Either I was too motivated and TOO busy training to document, which the former was definitely not the case, or I took a different approach on 2018. Without paying someone to listen to me whilst I layon the couch....I think we can chalk it up to told myself more cottage time, more family time, more rides with my father time....I WAS successful with that but it's time to channel the 2019 energies another way.
2018 quick recap. I forgot I did get a podium at Free Flow Spring Enduro. That was cool. To be honest, the rest of the events I did can be summed up this way:
Mini-pine - always treat it as the first long trail ride - sucess 5th place in class
Burnt River XC - a little wet and outside my comfort zone....had a great start second into trail and blew tape....ended 15th
RJ's XC - 8th place
Free Flow Sprint - PODIUM 2nd!!!!!
Gully Mor - 9th place (was a two day and only did the first day)
Great Pine - 14th...Very long and pretty cold. Treated it more like a trail ride
24 HOUR ARCADIA BARK BUSTERS: Team Entry (clipping trees). Not going to spend much time on this. I got the heebie jeebies.....this can only be sorted out by ENTERRING THE EVENT IN IRON MAN to clear the mojo robbing demons that are keeping the fun juices from flowing. THIS......
will be my motivation event for all training that will be leading up to this
Training report: Road bike on trainer...check....getting two to three sessions in per week....CHECK!
Specific: consistency of training over January
Measurable: THIS BLOG to track RPE and activity, will do a LT test, need HR
Attainable: Yeah.....who wants to die prematurely...this shit needs to get done
Realistic: Yes, I have two office days a week and my bike is IN MY OFFICE, XC skiing, downhill skiing, have pull up bar and equip needed
Timely: Event is in summer, Review blog weekly for feedback, in short Notable weight loss and improved overall fitness to prep for season
Things I need to get this going? Have it all...a HR monitor, maybe a special treat for THIS guy like a Garmin that I can also use for road, mtb, and enduro makes sense.
2019 - GONNA KICK YOUR a good way :)