Day 1 - last minute decision to break up the first day that was supposed to be 614 km from Kingston to Capreol/Sudbury on Saturday
Weather forecast was predicting doom and gloom for Saturday, August 12. Threw out the option to the guys if heading out a day early to break up the distance and get a “cheap” motel about halfway. Work didn’t allow that option for the others so I made the decision to book whatever I could in and around the Huntsville area on Friday
Left shortly after noon on the 11th and plan was to just weave north west and connect up with the gps route around Bancroft. The ride to Huntsville took me through Algonquin park. My first experience riding through this southern portion. MASSIVE AND LUSH! Made me think a camping trip needs to happen off the bike…someday
Checked in to the hotel and to my dismay……it’s a roof and a bed. Is it worth $164 a night…….? Well…’s 6:34 am on Saturday and it’s raining out so if the alternative is camping then yes…worth it?….bike is secure and dry and I got a decent sleep..
Uneventful evening last night. Just secured and covered the bike…brought in all the gear and popped out to the lcbo to grab a couple beers and watched some tv. Weather radar is showing a swath of shit that I will inevitably have to ride through to get to Sudbury today. Rain gear out and let’s see if the shower works!
Popping in to Sturgeon Falls to see a riding buddy on my way through today. That should make the 3 hours a bit more bearable. May have to listen to some Joe Rogan……hwy 11 and then 17 slog. It’s raining steady now…..I’m in no rush…..change in plans. Looks like clear sailing shortly after noon….chill in hotel and gear up when it breaks. Likely guys will be swinging through around that time anyways..
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