Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tried and True

We finally got the regulars together for a spin in "the studio" tonight. Molly has demonstrated an uncanny consistency and motivation to keep this spinning up over the past few weeks almost RELIGIOUSLY. Fil has a schedule that will most likely keep us guessing on his attendance for solid Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday sessions. If tonight was a predictor of what the sessions are going to be like.......we may have to ingest more calories to ensure we don't wither away like a biafrin.

I've decided to get back to capturing stats....more for comparison purposes and will also look into other tracking methods for visuals. Will have to keep track of last anaerobic threshold test and ensure this is done every 6-8 weeks to "reset" training heart rates for lactate threshold as the need to build aerobic base for South Carolina will soon be the priority. Figured I'd take a couple pics of the "studio" at the request of Monsieur Hanrahan....see below :)

Bought a cheap 20 dollar TV from Kijiji and using my daughter's portable DVD to power up some Spinerval sessions. Surround sound complements of Bose powered by a retro sony receiver that has the usual static when attempting to adjust volume.....just right.

Figured I should get a pic of the crew in mid session of tempo intervals......Molly looks possessed....Fil is a few pedal strokes from lactating out of his ears:

Here's the stats from a "Zoot Challenge" 9.5 out of 10 difficulty Spinervals video:

48 min of "training time"
max HR 188
avg 149...beauty considering my threshold has been calculated at 150...sweet
In zone: 23 min
above 19 min
avg Cadence 100
Max Cadence 161....that's right.....the drills are working ;)

Plan....finish my nice glass o vino, get the kiddies to bed, and chill inclusive of tomorrow and then hammer it up again, most likely with Pat to the tune of something aerobic..Molly is in New Mexico and Fil has a scheduling conflict or something or other...he may need to get these priorities in check ;)


  1. Great blog, John. I can't wait to join you guys! I guess I need to get my heart rate monitor fixed.

  2. Frank man.....you're killing me with that sweater vest profile...love the "incognito" prof pic ;) I have a timex watch with strap for monitoring if you need to use it for sessions

  3. Nice setup ...looks like a blast...I imagine many adrenalin filled evenings this winter.
