Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Father stepping up to the game...he's just shy of 70 yrs young.....Nutter!!!!

Preparation for the next event at RJ's XC on the 11th is not going as well as I had hoped....too much rain....and not enough seat time. Actually....I did get a Friday solo ride in at Limerick last Friday. Met up with another solo rider and we rode most of the South side probably twice. Loaded up the 144 and brought this to the cottage and introduced my Pops to a ride on Sunday. Yeah, not a 70 year old POPS is riding my 144 and he is diggin it. Brought him to the annual Limerick Orientation day and he's looking more comfortable on the bike every time.

The 28th was the annual Limerick Orientation was a day where anybody, and I mean ANYBODY, with an urgency to show their allegance to the network of trails showed UP!!! We showed up a little later and were pretty floored with the representation from all things moto...bikes, 4 wheelers, side by sides and other contraptions inclusive of horses!!

Showed the pops all the double track and had him do some loops of a nice little grass track in the quarry until he looked and reported fatigye.
Took that opp to run the gears through some single track for a bit and certainly feeling pretty groovy now on the TX. Getting ready..

Booked an Air BnB close to the event for following Saturday and recruited the POPs as my "support crew" for the event. Will spend most of tonight watching youtube footage of last year's events and so far.....looks like a BLAST of a course!!! Looking foward to it. Strategy is pretty simple.....stay on the bike and be smooth. 2 hours depending on weather will be managable. THis weekend will be spent buring fuel and riding for 2 plus hours to ensure endurance is on my side. Have to certainly redeem myself from my piss poor showing at the mini pine...

I just saw footage of a 24 hr enduro event wheels are already turning....

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