The decision to get an indoor spin in was quickly TWARTED (interesting word) with the fact that it was like 3 degrees out with clear roads. The idea to get outdoors for a spin came to me when cleaning up the garage. Mountain bike hanging on the wall, like a neglected step child, was calling for love. So, like I always seem to do, I overdressed and headed out for what I was anticipating to be a 30 k'ish road ride on the MTB.
One thing I recalled quickly was how bloody easy it is to spin outdoors vs the stationary magnetic resistance of the trainer. Also, the super comfy upright postion of my "doesn't owe me a cent" 2009 Giant Trance X2. Headed out the door and made a left down Bath road to connect to Collins Bay - left on Woodbine - right on Westbrook - right on Unity (eventually) and then made my way back down Gardiners to Creekford and Bayridge Extension. THIS is where it got interesting....
As I was rolling down Bayridge, there is some crown land that I have taken the motos on in past when anxious to get out pre or post season to just burn some gas. Figured I would pop in to take a leak and then get back on the road but the groudn was FROZEN and the traction was good! So, had a little bit of fun crossing water not knowing if I was going to break through and surprised how well the tires gripped on all the surfaces that this little area had to offer.
Couldn't tell how long I was out or the distance travelled but would think I was definitely out for an hour and a half....that is likely DOUBLE what i would have tolerated spinning without forward momentuum. So, workout done. Looking forward to watching the supercross tonight! Let's see if Plessinger kills it!