It's inevitable...I turned 39 today which means I have one last season in the "under 40 category". A quick couple of texts to Fil and Shaun confirmed an afternoon ride to chase the rain. Decided to do a little route Fil and I like to call one of our "regular west side routes". Essentially the route will travel West along Bath road, North up County road 4 or 6..can never remember the actual number, straight north to the town Cambden East, a quick turn West along this mysterious road until we meet Yarker and then South until we hit the turn off to Wilton, meander towards Hwy 38, hammer south with the sketchy traffic until we meet the escape route to Unity and then Westbrook road..back to Collins bay and then reconnect to Bayridge drive for the return home. All in all, just shy of 80 k.
Legs are feeling unbelievable strong this season and the, almost immediate recovery post hills/attacks, is so new to me, it feels strangely foreign. Power is there when needed and really enjoy the ability to hit and maintain threshold for what seems like AGES..ok..enough stroking my ego..end result was a pretty good 30 plus k/hr avg spd ride that should have been but the last 10-15 k was done in cold and mucky RAIN...blech..
Came across a crew from KATC (Kingston Athletic Therapy) who also looked like drowned rats. Quick chat with a few of the girls in group identified they all worked together and ride together....niiiice....Good to get home, hot shower and a feed of Minos take out...mmmmmm
Timex: 3 hours of "out time" inclusive of a flat tire with shawn and some pretty mellow pauses at some big turns...
In zone: 1 hr 1 min
Avg HR 142 bpm; Max 182
Cal 2476
Polar: 2 hr 38 min actual moving that's a big amt of "non-moving time"
77.2 km total distance
Avg spd 29.2
Max 56.5..this was during a flat terrain attack when Shawn took off, fil to follow and.....oh yes....I overtook and HARD;)
Avg Cad 89; max 112
Plan - get these little farts to bed, watch "the Kings Speech" with wifey tonight and, given the weather report...some cross training...running over the next couple of days.
Note, feeling waaaaaay more comfortable in the drops...may have something to do with the fact that I've "dropped" a few pounds around the mid section....turned 39 today and thinking this will be the best season evah in my history of Mountain bike racing....looking forward to this season.
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