Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Headwind, Fil mechanical, Tailwind rescue

In that order...last minute Fil and I decided we should get out in the 12 degree weather for a little roadie with great plans in motion. Our discussion pre-ride confirmed I wasn't losing my MOJO...Fil ALSO feels let down on the road terrain since we came back from SC...DAMN YOU TOMMY for spoiling us with those days down south..it all pales in comparison.

Once we established that we wouldn't be climbing 2000 m vertical over the course of this ride, we settled in to our usual Kingston HEADWIND for the entire 25 k out. The difference is this....what used to be a sufferfest in the headwind was just a frustration that the road wasn't blurring underneath us...legs and lungs felt great.

We made the turn at Deer Ridge or whatever that crossover is...it's like a bermuda triangle in my brain..I can never remember the name...Deer something anyways..and Fil begins to slow down....a lot...quickly we assess the situation. It appears his rear end is seizing up..not his A*&, but the axle on his bike...Hmm a little extra resistance I guess??

Now the tailwind...niiice. Fil attacks a couple hills and I'm feeling pretty comfy to let him do it ;) and then it happened.. a weird Whhhiiirrrr sound and the rear end seizing up on him. Quickly assess the situation and figure best bet would be for me to hammer back to Kingston ~ 25 k and retrieve my car and come back for him. HAMMER... I DID...tailwind helping significantly, averaged well over 40 k an hour and back to the car with fresh legs and mind. Loaded up the car and shifted each gear at 6000 rpm onto the 401 to pick up the abandoned Fil waiting suspiciously at the Husky gas station. In true fashion, helater told me he got the gears from the staff trying to use the women's washroom.....he has strange urination habits.....like when we were in SC and he was informed numerously about the impending sexual perpetrator charge for public urination.....did it stop him then? OR when we were told to SHUT UP after whootin and hollering after a biiig climb....what does fil do...decides it's a good idea to go over to this badda bing bing's property and attempt a release of urine on his lawn....we quickly put that to a halt...only to see him travel up the road in PLAIN sight of the property owner that most likely had a shotgun ready to offload and skin us in his garage...luckily nothing came of that.....

All in all, turned out to be a short but sweet hammerfest (last 25 k anyways) feeling fresh and may judge weather to squeek in a post/pre work ride in..

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