Sunday, March 25, 2012

Jamaica Mon!

First day back and watching the weather, anticipating a great day for a ride ;)

Spent the last week at Beaches Negril, Jamaica....what a spot!!!! A lot of eating, drinking, swimming, and chillaxin'...however, about to check the watch to confirm my either 3 or 4 days of working out while there. The gym there was absolutely PHENOMINAL!!! Brand spanking new with state of the art Life Fitness cardio in a separate room with another spacious room with dumbells, and Life Fitness strength machinines....specifically an adjustable pulley machine. Won't bore myself with the details of breaking down each day of workouts....nonetheless....ensured the body DIDN'T forget to get it's Workout ON!!

March 18 (day after arrival) 10:07 am, 1 hr 33 min, 806 Cal 50% fat, Max 179 or 96% and Avg 129 or 69%

March 19 (calves KILLING me from new cardio old school crosstrainer vs CROSS RAMP i'm used to) 10:20 am, 1 hr 2 min, 478 cal 55% fat, max 152 or 81% avg 115 or 62%,

March 21 9:43 am, 1 hr 50 min (by far best workout of trip!) 1041 Cal 45% fat, max 173 or 93% and 129 avg or 69%,

March 23 9:09 am, forgot to stop watch sooooo 8 hr 52 min is a bit of a stretch...

Summary: 3 of 4 workouts consisted of 30 min Elliptical and then 30 min jogging on treadmill. 30-45 min strength training specifically geared towards shoulders, chest and back. Love the fact that I managed 4 sessions while AWAY!!!

Now the great news....received an email from a guy who knows his toys and plays extremely well about the fact he was unloading a Garmin 705 with all the goodies for an extremely reasonable price...Boom DONE! Should be getting this in the next couple of days. Bye Bye Polar bits and pieces...will sell this shit off on ebay etc and expect to see some more exciting links to Garmin routes etc in the near.

Plan....Let summer begin....regular rides will more trainer


  1. Post some pictures of Jamaica mon - and I mean beaches not Gym equipment :)

  2. hahahah...will do Tommy, unfortunately our camera was left behind after one of the nightly Sesame Street shows...and....let's just say....there is long list of lost cameras at the front desk and no cameras in the lost and found. Will post of FB as soon as I get the disc from alt source ;)
