Saturday, August 1, 2020

LOL 2020 is gonna be awesome?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Here we Go AGAIN!
INJURY UPDATE... Covid 19 put a wrench in all things fun this year. The upside? Reconnected with MTB'ing and subsequently purchased a new Rocky Mt. Thunderbolt A50. This bike is a gamechanger! Was pretty much obsessed and getting fitter by the week. Daily Yoga and meditation coupled with some proper spinning in HOT AS VEGAS LIKE TEMPS was what summer was panning out to be and then it happened..... Monday..July 27th I finally dug out the dirt bike after committing/paying for an XC race that would have been today....went to Draperland XC in the smoking heat and was getting some loops in before some other guys showed up. Bike was feeling good...Took a break while the guys showed up and as they were suiting up I decided to go out for a quick little rip to get ready and then it happened... I full on squidded through the gears down a straight taking waay too much throttle then checked myself.....made a right and stupidly did it AGAIN....felt myself drifting too far to the outside of corner and realized I was going right for some pretty deep holes on side of trail..the rest is all I remember... I leaned the bike over...think I was able to get a handful and right ankle full of brake to check my speed and then dabbed with my right foot and felt a "click" on the outside of my right knee....then a "click" on the inside of my right knee and then there was a a deep ache that instantly told me I was an idiot and am going to pay for this one for a while. Picked the bike up and knew something wasn't a dull toothache feeling in the right knee. It is important to note I have been wearing custom CTI braces for two years now since I had a bit of a get off and tweaked my LEFT knee, specifically ACL. It is also important to note that I should have adjusted/tighted up the braces after my prior warm up loops...perhaps that could have provided a bit more support but at the end of it all these braces saved me from a broken leg....I'm confident in that. back up on the bike and tried to stand on the pegs...internal conversation telling me that perhaps I can still manage the ride with the guys and this will just be a little sore....well...that wasn't the tolerance quickly dropped to where I couldn't put weight on the leg and headed back to the guys. Once I got back...I'm guessing they heard the quick revving and then the quick stop of the bike....there was a look of concern from the guys at the offloading area and I realized the best thing to do was to grab some advil and load up while I could...Well now...That's where it got interesting...I went to grab advil from the passenger side and the knee gave way not once but twice...a feeling I have always dread...a big woWAH and another WOWAHH! from the inside of the knee like zero stability. Guys were awesome...they loaded up my bike and I got my act together to get into the jeep to get my ass back home to better assess the damage. ER visit ruled out fracture with xrays...a second set of xrays showed something "atypical" at the proximal tib fib joint but I told the doc that's probably the "bone spur" findings that were noted waaaaay back when i was 18 but now that days have may be something because this is one of the more tender areas. From the onset of injury I cranked up my brace and have been icing and behaving. Went to Athletic Therapist appt next day to get Natasha's hands and mind on the issue...swelled up pretty significantly on Wednesday and was unable to bear weight until yesterday WITH crutches. Slowly getting better. Plan...take it easy this weekend. Ordered flat pedals/shoes for MTB so I can get easy spinning asap as knee allows. ordered cryocuff from amazon to help with this rehab process. AT appt tuesday(first available), doctor's appt thursday(first available) and most likely ortho and MRI to look into this further. Kinesiologist John is practicing what I used to preach. Passive ROM, isometrics and active ROM done as much as knee will tolerate. Now to have a bath...LOL...Let the "journey begin".

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