Tuesday, May 31, 2011

9 k run....not exciting but good progress

It's been a solid three weeks and a couple days since my usual form of exercise/method of physiological calibration took a 180 degree turn. Today was an absolutely beauty of a day. One thing I have found with being home based office is that,for one....super productive, and two....super flex..to the point where reaching for a coffee or some sweet in office world can be translated to switch into running gear and hammer out a few Km..

9 k of running done. From my front door through Lemoines point and return..a nice little loop. An hour of sweating sun block into my eyes, unplugged, and inhaling/exhaling consistently. I've behaved enough...time to test a road ride in the next couple of days..keep it simple, 30 k to ensure all is well and then ticker tape this back to normalcy in a matter of weeks. Feeling kind of unsettled regarding 8 or 24 hour events......I have my theories but will put those aside until I get a few solid all out mt bike rides in.

Stats are pretty mellow:
59 min
In zone 8 min
Avg HR 136 (nicely aerobic
peak 163 bpm

793 Calories..will quickly replenish these with a dirty gin martini once the wife gets home :) Ahhhhh summer is here :))))))

Usually I put training plan at this point.....don't want to.....wakeboard stats to follow in less than a week :)


  1. Nice man, good to see the running is taking place - but I gotta ask you - wakeboarding?? Really? Wouldn't that put all kinds of stress on the parts that are healing?

  2. Hey TOMMY!!!! Well the weather out here has been extremely cooperative to keep me off of the bike. Work has also kept my mind pretty free from deviating to dreams of single track...most of the time. I'm behaving, with the exception of a golf day tomorrow with work...should be fine. Yeah, Wakeboarding will be addressed once I can do some single arm rows with my body weight...not going to be stupid with this....have really had some challenges saying "no" to fil's requests for rides....inclusive of today...the last three weeks have been humbling enough..no need to go backwards. Keep me posted on your season man ;) BTW will keep you posted on my travels..get a ride in ;)
