Read an article yesterday indicating removing the sling was crucial for rehabbing a 3rd degree i did...what i shouldn't have done was putter around the garage and work on rang of motion exercizes almost every 30- 60 min....paid for it last night big time.
Mt bike on trainer and just waiting for racedayrush to send me my pswd that i forgot....plan....maybe spin today, with right arm in sling as putting right hand ON grip was fine......REMOVING it was probably the most painful period i've had....will not say i'm getting frustrated but getting more anxious for ortho consult. Will look into this S3 compressive shirt.....
Shoulder is feeling really unstable this a.m.....let's see what coffee and common sense will yield today
So, surfing some freecaster videos, quickly led me to a wardrobe change into some gear and an hour session to a Super 8 video was had on the Mt. bike all set-up on the trainer. Actually wasn't that bad either with one handed intervals. Will add data and pic of new set-up in the GA-rage....also helps when the weather is pretty much CRAP OUT!..Building nice little virtual shopping cart from Jenson as motivation for rehabing the heck outta this thing ;) Stats:
1 hr 3 min
In zone 24 min; zone is set a tad high for this right now ;)
Avg HR 145; peak 178
Total Cal 886
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