Plans changed. Was supposed to challenge a buddy (not really a challenge but nice to make it a competition) to a wakeboard session, but duty called on his behalf to be a good samaritan. skies, quite winds and 4 weeks until a 24 hr solo only led to one option for the day...get chur arse out for a ride. Given the monsoon Kingston experienced the day before, the road bike was weapon of choice. Decided to load up the van and start at 401 and 15 with a quick drivethrough at Timmies for a java and toasted new pre ride fuel of choice.
I decided to reverse my stem to drop my bars....very happy with this decision..amazing when you trim a bit of the ole belly how much more comfy it is to get in the drops. Straight up Hwy 15, cut over to 32, quick visit to TI cycle to talk shop, and hammer back to K-town via Hwy 2 and then back to van up 15. Other than this nice bit of chafing that had me strategically positioning myself on the saddle..a truly enjoyable ride...btw...polar HR monitor is now back in action..Stats:
2 hr 56 min
151 avg and 177 max HR
Limits set at 120 to 165 bpm = In zone-2 hr 34 min; above 18 min; and below zone 3min
2180 Kcal
85.1 km
Avg spd 28.9; Max 54
Avg CAD 90; Max 107
Road bike is racked on in the garage and the Mt. Bike is looking sexy and awaiting some new trail on our vacation. Leave tomorrow..Old Forge NY, McCauley Mt awaits....essentially...doing a bunch of hill repeats and some exploring is the name of the game.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
That's Right! 85 k...solid road ride
Impromptu road ride with Dr. Fil today. Was feeling pretty tired today due to wknd's 8 hour and wakeboard/ski and typical road running with work. No excuses to keep the momentuum up.
Fil had picked a route that would give us a solid 80 k. Heat was bearable and have made it ritual to stop in Cambden East to douse the head with cold water. Legs felt pretty freakin good..chalk it up to nutrition and the suffering in the heat over wknd.
All in all a great ride..85 k just under 3 hours and average speed of 30 k/hr. Avg Heart rate was 145 with a max of 177. Happy with that ;)
Plan..Last ride with Fil on Friday as he heads back to the motherland for a month....will revell in the fact that I will rip his legs off when he gets back ;) What comes around goes around.
On vacation starting Sunday and bringing bike (haven't decided which one yet) with to get some riding in the Adirondaks..bringing the kids to Old Forge Water Safari in New York...apparently 100 miles of mountain and should also be good for road as well....decisions decisions....what my wife has already decided is that my rides will be "early" as the water park opens at 9....I think I can adapt to this ;)
Fil had picked a route that would give us a solid 80 k. Heat was bearable and have made it ritual to stop in Cambden East to douse the head with cold water. Legs felt pretty freakin good..chalk it up to nutrition and the suffering in the heat over wknd.
All in all a great ride..85 k just under 3 hours and average speed of 30 k/hr. Avg Heart rate was 145 with a max of 177. Happy with that ;)
Plan..Last ride with Fil on Friday as he heads back to the motherland for a month....will revell in the fact that I will rip his legs off when he gets back ;) What comes around goes around.
On vacation starting Sunday and bringing bike (haven't decided which one yet) with to get some riding in the Adirondaks..bringing the kids to Old Forge Water Safari in New York...apparently 100 miles of mountain and should also be good for road as well....decisions decisions....what my wife has already decided is that my rides will be "early" as the water park opens at 9....I think I can adapt to this ;)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Pretty stiff and reflecting...

After returning from the race late (in my eyes) on saturday night, crashed and awoke to get the van back to a functioning state and then hammered up to the cottage. My oldest has become a bit of a "socialite", with double bookings for birthdays and playdates...all I could think about was getting some wakeboarding in.
My sis and the Tysonator were also there, which also led to the excitement. Recap...killer session on the wakeboard...about two feet away from clearing the wake on jumps :) Decided to try my hands at slalom water start.....made it after three good solid sinus rinses and had some serious fun cutting HARD on the glass like water.
So, reflection time....24 hour solo. Last year came in 6th. Rode from noon until 7 the next morning with minimal breaks. Felt good but RECKED me both physically and physchologically...didn't get on the bike for a full month after it...I think I need to do this again. Will commit to registration by end of week. If committed, will also bring to trip to NY as this guy will definitely need to get 4 plus hour mt. rides in for prep. The 8 hour say the least. Poor nutrition, plus heat....well, actually, heat was the deciding factor for passing in my timing chip after 8 laps..the only thing that keeps me positive is that the guys who came in a placing better was the runner up to Summer Solstice Solo......Hmmmmm, yeah, let's enroll in this beeeyatch :)
Sunday, July 24, 2011
8 Hr Solo results....Finally a race
HOT...HOT...HOT...I've gone on rides before, where during the ride we would stop and enjoy/complain of the heat and humidity. This was my first experience with these conditions in an 8 hour solo.
The course was bumpy and sandy, extremely happy I put the Rocket Ron's on the bike for this event. Love the Nevegal's but nothing like a proper tire to keep things rolling. Extremely happy with the bike and was feeling pretty good clicking off the laps. No stopping in transition for 6 laps and then it happened. Tommy H was getting doused with effects from heat and when I saw him recovering in the pits...I thought that looked like a great idea. Quick recovery and back on the learned...don't underestimate TOmmy, as he quickly recovered, hopped back on his bike and two stroked past me on a climbing section and the effects of proper nutrition errrrr poor nutrition.
I was mixing perpetuum (orange-vanilla) in 1-hour bottles...was drinking a bottle a lap....actually started draining them 3/4 laps in...that may have been the problem. I usually mix multi-hour bottles and drink them at whatever pace I like...usually faster than the problems in past. After completing lap 8, mind was made up to continue and was going to shoot for 10 (way too hot to go further) and that's when it happened....after the initial climb and right turn into second climb my right quad felt like a bowling ball was dropped on the inner quad bulk...what tha...a cramp? My mind quickly assessed the best hind site, I should have just drained my bottle there, ate, and continued on in my granny gear for the remainder of lap, but I chose an alternate. I got off of the bike, resulting in a SOLID cramp from swinging my leg over the saddle and proceeded to TRY to stretch my quad, causing a KILLER hamstring cramp...that was it...
About face and rolled back, handed in my chip, and saw lots of solo chips in the return box...hmmmm where was I in the standings? 13th after 6.5 hours of result....15th.
Was feeling bummed for two reasons...1...nutrition plan may have been my limitation during this event. Hoping to come in in top 10....5 placings away from it.
On the positive...shoulder felt GREAT! Position 14 was "Ian" who came in 2nd during the 24 hr summer solstice SOLO....Hmmmm...a pretty good testament to who showed up for this and the effects of the heat on everybody's abilities...I was watching Ian pass for the final 2 laps (he got 10) and he was took him right to the wire to get those final two laps....good on him and feeling quite satisfied that what I left at the course was my best given......everything ;)
Great to see Jay-Z come in 9th in this over 40 Solo category and Mike Ring nailing 3rd in the over 40 category as well. NOw.......HANSOLO?.......hell yeah....I need to massage my psyche and sculpt my mind to make it iron clad ;)
BTW...great to have the girls out supporting...chek the pic as Lauren was handing me bottles every lap...:))) Stats:HR monitor was acting just the facts m'aam..just the fax
Placed: 15th completed 8laps
Time of last lap completed 6:03:12 (too freakin hot and cramped up)
Avg lap time: 45:24
Monday, July 18, 2011
AAAaaa 3 hour tour.....and a bit
It happened. 3:30 mtg of minds. I needed to get a solid 3 hour ride in today to prep for this wknd. Loaded up the camel back and 3 hour bottle of Perpetuum and off I went to meet Fil and Shaun at the trail. Decided it would be best to ride TO trail to also enable a ride Back..ensured at least 30 k. Turned out to be a good move for a couple reasons....1...I got there 20 min early (as I usually do) and decided NOT to go into trail and do hill repeats as I did ooohhhhh about 8 or 9 wks ago resulting in a separated need to repeat history. What I did find was a nice little 500 m hill to do repeats on (6 to be exact) with a slope that was decent enough to get almost 60 k an hour on the decent.
The boys showed up just as I was about to turn for my 7th repeat. Then it happened...the evil flying swarm of deer answer me this...I think they can sense annoyance...I wasn't really that annoyed as I wasn't getting bit, however Fil seems to be deer fly BAIT. Shaun also had a good swarm around his as well. They go so bad that Fil became evil and had to exit the trail....he thought he was going the right way.....I let him attempt his exit....then, my internal compass kicked in and we got out to battersea road which meant a nice little road loop to unity and back....I had no complaints as this was saddle time nonetheless.
Unfortunately the deer flies got the best of my riding companions, Shaun may not have a bladder after his collision course with his stem, but I managed to get a good 50 k in just 3 plus hours in....dinner, small glass o vino and get ready for a travel day tomorrow. Stats:
Timex:3 hour 10 min
In zone 39 min; avg HR 135 bpm; max 171 bpm
2300 Calories
Polar: 54.9 k
Avg spd 17.3; max 56.3
Oh yeah...did I mention it was bloody hot and the last 13 k back was in a beautiful warm and wet rain storm. Will power wash the bike (whatever you bearing nazis) and prep it up for the wknd.
Plan....just chill, hydrate and eat proper...and finish this glass of wine
The boys showed up just as I was about to turn for my 7th repeat. Then it happened...the evil flying swarm of deer answer me this...I think they can sense annoyance...I wasn't really that annoyed as I wasn't getting bit, however Fil seems to be deer fly BAIT. Shaun also had a good swarm around his as well. They go so bad that Fil became evil and had to exit the trail....he thought he was going the right way.....I let him attempt his exit....then, my internal compass kicked in and we got out to battersea road which meant a nice little road loop to unity and back....I had no complaints as this was saddle time nonetheless.
Unfortunately the deer flies got the best of my riding companions, Shaun may not have a bladder after his collision course with his stem, but I managed to get a good 50 k in just 3 plus hours in....dinner, small glass o vino and get ready for a travel day tomorrow. Stats:
Timex:3 hour 10 min
In zone 39 min; avg HR 135 bpm; max 171 bpm
2300 Calories
Polar: 54.9 k
Avg spd 17.3; max 56.3
Oh yeah...did I mention it was bloody hot and the last 13 k back was in a beautiful warm and wet rain storm. Will power wash the bike (whatever you bearing nazis) and prep it up for the wknd.
Plan....just chill, hydrate and eat proper...and finish this glass of wine
Wknd of relaxation, ride (kinda) and festival..nice
The wife and I headed up to the family cottage this wknd....without family....translation....we could literally, just shut the brains down and we did a pretty good job at it:
As you can see from the pic....a lot of pure relaxation going on....was amazed to realize that I could keep thoughts of wakeboarding on this glass like surface to the back of my mind and just soaked up the day.
Sunday hopes to get my 4 hour ride in was quickly tarnished with two variables....1....the amount of black flies swarming and nipping me every time I dropped below 25 km/hr on the rail trail and 2.....a mysteriously squishy front tire that wasn't holding air....Decision to get off the rail trail to avoid being the first statistic...."Mountain biker found on trail...nothing but bones left from being eaten alive by this new breed of deer fly".
CO2 cartridges...didn't do the job to re-inflate..will need to purchase a proper epic travel pump..made the sheepish call for a pick up.
Oh well 30 k and about an hour and half of ride time. Will head out to some local trail this aft to get my last real ride in prior to 8 is kind unpredicatble...whatever....just ride :)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Yup...let the prep do it's deeds
I managed to alter what was supposed to be a century on the road bike with a buddy to a 3 hour, 50 k mountain bike ride. Fil is a true sport to put up with saddle time on gravel road, side road, and jeep track to enable some good ole fashioned endurance prep. We did manage to hit most of the trail through Collins Bay and did a couple loops of this sweet section in Parrot Bay conservation area. This is a great find...will most likely spend my time there for prep for 24 hour as it has climbs, nice downs and the opportunity to just Loooooooooop after Loooooooooooooop with a headlamp on ;)
Fil is, as I've mentioned in previous posts, the perfect training partner now. Ever since he bought his FUll Carbon Tall boy equipped with Sram XX and I9's...he's fast, smooth and....oh yeah....COCKY hehehehe. In other words, he literally tries to rip my legs off every ride.....tries ;) He also bought himself a full Carbon Cervelo R3 with Durace and Mavic Carbon Krysium wheels....this also translates into road sessions where he tries to rip my legs off.....tries ;)
All in all a great session. Unfortunately no stats as my Polar HR/CS is acting wonky again and Fil's Garmin lost battery after 39 k the stats are left to my trusty back-up Timex watch:
2 hr 57 min
In zone 1 hr 31 min
avg HR 148..perrrfect
peak 178
Total Cal 2559
Plan...go out for a squeaker of an early morning road ride tomorrow, rest Friday, bring Mt. Bike to cottage and get a long Saturday spin in 4 hr goal.. and then just chillax for next weekend...blow the legs out Monday and perhaps wednesday..Recovery is riiiiiight on par with where I could be at this stage of the game..results from 8 hr will be the proof.
Fil is, as I've mentioned in previous posts, the perfect training partner now. Ever since he bought his FUll Carbon Tall boy equipped with Sram XX and I9's...he's fast, smooth and....oh yeah....COCKY hehehehe. In other words, he literally tries to rip my legs off every ride.....tries ;) He also bought himself a full Carbon Cervelo R3 with Durace and Mavic Carbon Krysium wheels....this also translates into road sessions where he tries to rip my legs off.....tries ;)
All in all a great session. Unfortunately no stats as my Polar HR/CS is acting wonky again and Fil's Garmin lost battery after 39 k the stats are left to my trusty back-up Timex watch:
2 hr 57 min
In zone 1 hr 31 min
avg HR 148..perrrfect
peak 178
Total Cal 2559
Plan...go out for a squeaker of an early morning road ride tomorrow, rest Friday, bring Mt. Bike to cottage and get a long Saturday spin in 4 hr goal.. and then just chillax for next weekend...blow the legs out Monday and perhaps wednesday..Recovery is riiiiiight on par with where I could be at this stage of the game..results from 8 hr will be the proof.
S&%$!!!! A week and a HALF?!?!?!?
Life can get busy...a wife who went to vegas last thursday with her girlfriends, returning yesterday, translates into waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long off of the bike. Back on track and hoping to surge the system for the 8 hour on the 23rd. Was considering doing the marathon series this coming wknd in Kingston, but this is also a wknd with the wife without kids at the cottage...will be bringing the bike to ensure I get a solid 4 hour ride in...rain or SHINE and it's looking like shine.
Ok...gather thoughts...plan...ride today, with or without Fil for a 50 k mt bike stroll through all of the trail that is available in tha hoood. Will post, post ride ;)
Ok...gather thoughts...plan...ride today, with or without Fil for a 50 k mt bike stroll through all of the trail that is available in tha hoood. Will post, post ride ;)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Almost back to normal.....actually....
Happened to get together with some of the boys to rip Durham forest Wednesday night. Just shy of 30 k of a high tempo flowy rollercoaster of a ride...MAN...I love those trails. Riding trail like that weekly is a sure fire way of actually placing in an event...Kingston...unfortunately.....flat, technical and no way preps someone for the terrain of albion, mansfield or hardwood hills...just mean I get to suffer more than needed for the 8 hour.
Good to see Martin again. Swapped bikes with him for a short stint and recalled the day I did the same about 8 years ago..I was riding a hardtail at the time and his full suspension Marin was brand new then I think...I remember PLUUUUuuush. This time....a climbing machine, but my Giant Trance feels like an extension of me and much prefer ;)
Wasn't wearing a heart rate monitor during the Wednesday ride nor did I wear one during yesterday's 80 k ripper on the road bike with Fil. So, Fil bought a full carbon ride with expense spared..quite happy about this because he now, officially, challenges me on every ride. This also proves true since he bought his full carbon Tallboy, once again no expense spared..and I thank him again for this as I no longer have to wait for him to catch up..he is now, oficially, the perfect riding partnah...enough finess and gusto to keep me mentally and physically in the red zone.
Wife in vegas so no riding until monday. Will squeek one in right after I drop the kids off at daycare or somewhere in the afternoon before picking them up. A good day today, taking the kids to the water park, taste of kingston, and now filling up the pool and filling their tummies with popsicles and popcorn....Lauren has me nailed down to the promise of taking her to Bonnie Togs...yup, only 5 yrs old too, and Kelseys for dinner tonight. A beautiful day!
Good to see Martin again. Swapped bikes with him for a short stint and recalled the day I did the same about 8 years ago..I was riding a hardtail at the time and his full suspension Marin was brand new then I think...I remember PLUUUUuuush. This time....a climbing machine, but my Giant Trance feels like an extension of me and much prefer ;)
Wasn't wearing a heart rate monitor during the Wednesday ride nor did I wear one during yesterday's 80 k ripper on the road bike with Fil. So, Fil bought a full carbon ride with expense spared..quite happy about this because he now, officially, challenges me on every ride. This also proves true since he bought his full carbon Tallboy, once again no expense spared..and I thank him again for this as I no longer have to wait for him to catch up..he is now, oficially, the perfect riding partnah...enough finess and gusto to keep me mentally and physically in the red zone.
Wife in vegas so no riding until monday. Will squeek one in right after I drop the kids off at daycare or somewhere in the afternoon before picking them up. A good day today, taking the kids to the water park, taste of kingston, and now filling up the pool and filling their tummies with popsicles and popcorn....Lauren has me nailed down to the promise of taking her to Bonnie Togs...yup, only 5 yrs old too, and Kelseys for dinner tonight. A beautiful day!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Reflection time
My hopes for 2011 have been focus is beginning to become fine tuned, however to greater expectations in the events I've chosen to participate in this year. Seeing the results of the "under 40 solo category" from Summer Solstice has definitely fueled my fire for this years HANSOLO. Hardwood Summer 8 is where I hope to really unleash. Wife and kids will be coming to this event as well so, it should be a great event regardless, BUT, being able to hammer the 8 instead of ride the 8 is my plan. The 24 hour will just be a great way to reflect on the year and future...plan 15 laps!!!!
Riding Durham with the boys tonight will be a true test to measure my post injury's coming back as judged by monday's ride with Fil....slowly...but coming back. What I haven't the ability to ride for 2-3 plus hours...weird..need to get my road bike back from the shop. Will pop in today and if they are unable to put on the Fulcrum wheelset...oh well...think of investing in a full carbon rig for next season ;)
Body is a bit beat up today from wakeboarding multiple sessions on long weekend (back, left adductors) and right shoulder from what I though was a "non-eventful" fall on monday...apparently, the shoulder thought otherwise....Oh well, coffee, advil and a good rip tonight should set all in order...may resort to some perpetuum caffe latte tonight though :)
Riding Durham with the boys tonight will be a true test to measure my post injury's coming back as judged by monday's ride with Fil....slowly...but coming back. What I haven't the ability to ride for 2-3 plus hours...weird..need to get my road bike back from the shop. Will pop in today and if they are unable to put on the Fulcrum wheelset...oh well...think of investing in a full carbon rig for next season ;)
Body is a bit beat up today from wakeboarding multiple sessions on long weekend (back, left adductors) and right shoulder from what I though was a "non-eventful" fall on monday...apparently, the shoulder thought otherwise....Oh well, coffee, advil and a good rip tonight should set all in order...may resort to some perpetuum caffe latte tonight though :)
Monday, July 4, 2011
Clean bill o health
Met with my Athletic Therapist today from Kingston Athletic Therapy and got the double "high five" discharge to return to full play.....already was back to full play but nice to get the formal "OK". Can't say enough about these guys. Busy day of travel with work but managed to squeak in a ride with Fil at dusk for a quick rip of some local trails..
Deer flies...BRUTAL!!!!!!! Fitness is definitely on the upswing as I am now hanging on Fil's rear tire and cleaning terrain that I was once apprehensive towards. Here's the end catches a tree and launched off the bike landing square on the right shoulder...smacked my knee and right hip..All's good in the hood with the check for a full return..can take a hit :)))
right knee is still throbbing....time for some advil, vino and some pasta...beddy bye ;)
Stats not impressive..less than 15 k due to bug situation (but definitely a hammer fest) and lack of chargeable lighting system from fil...may put some road miles in for the next couple of weeks to stay outta tha bush...
Plan reconnect with the brothahood in Durham wednesday...that's right tommy..I'm gonna chase that 29'r wheel of yours :))
Deer flies...BRUTAL!!!!!!! Fitness is definitely on the upswing as I am now hanging on Fil's rear tire and cleaning terrain that I was once apprehensive towards. Here's the end catches a tree and launched off the bike landing square on the right shoulder...smacked my knee and right hip..All's good in the hood with the check for a full return..can take a hit :)))
right knee is still throbbing....time for some advil, vino and some pasta...beddy bye ;)
Stats not impressive..less than 15 k due to bug situation (but definitely a hammer fest) and lack of chargeable lighting system from fil...may put some road miles in for the next couple of weeks to stay outta tha bush...
Plan reconnect with the brothahood in Durham wednesday...that's right tommy..I'm gonna chase that 29'r wheel of yours :))
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Getting tired of "recovery"
Thursday a.m.....very early a.m. got a 41 k ride, from house through lemoines point, meander through Collins Bay and then Parrot Bay. What a find....Parrot Bay had a couple of km of sweet single track that when linked up with the other trails made for a good 2.5-3 hr ride. Long wknd and only bikes brought to cottage are the girls.
Friday and Sunday were jam packed full of wakeboarding and waterskiing...tired....bed ;)
Friday and Sunday were jam packed full of wakeboarding and waterskiing...tired....bed ;)
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