After returning from the race late (in my eyes) on saturday night, crashed and awoke to get the van back to a functioning state and then hammered up to the cottage. My oldest has become a bit of a "socialite", with double bookings for birthdays and playdates...all I could think about was getting some wakeboarding in.
My sis and the Tysonator were also there, which also led to the excitement. Recap...killer session on the wakeboard...about two feet away from clearing the wake on jumps :) Decided to try my hands at slalom water start.....made it after three good solid sinus rinses and had some serious fun cutting HARD on the glass like water.
So, reflection time....24 hour solo. Last year came in 6th. Rode from noon until 7 the next morning with minimal breaks. Felt good but RECKED me both physically and physchologically...didn't get on the bike for a full month after it...I think I need to do this again. Will commit to registration by end of week. If committed, will also bring mt.bike to trip to NY as this guy will definitely need to get 4 plus hour mt. rides in for prep. The 8 hour was....humbling....to say the least. Poor nutrition, plus heat....well, actually, heat was the deciding factor for passing in my timing chip after 8 laps..the only thing that keeps me positive is that the guys who came in a placing better was the runner up to Summer Solstice Solo......Hmmmmm, yeah, let's enroll in this beeeyatch :)
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