HOT...HOT...HOT...I've gone on rides before, where during the ride we would stop and enjoy/complain of the heat and humidity. This was my first experience with these conditions in an 8 hour solo.
The course was bumpy and sandy, extremely happy I put the Rocket Ron's on the bike for this event. Love the Nevegal's but nothing like a proper tire to keep things rolling. Extremely happy with the bike and was feeling pretty good clicking off the laps. No stopping in transition for 6 laps and then it happened. Tommy H was getting doused with effects from heat and when I saw him recovering in the pits...I thought that looked like a great idea. Quick recovery and back on the learned...don't underestimate TOmmy, as he quickly recovered, hopped back on his bike and two stroked past me on a climbing section and the effects of proper nutrition errrrr poor nutrition.
I was mixing perpetuum (orange-vanilla) in 1-hour bottles...was drinking a bottle a lap....actually started draining them 3/4 laps in...that may have been the problem. I usually mix multi-hour bottles and drink them at whatever pace I like...usually faster than the problems in past. After completing lap 8, mind was made up to continue and was going to shoot for 10 (way too hot to go further) and that's when it happened....after the initial climb and right turn into second climb my right quad felt like a bowling ball was dropped on the inner quad bulk...what tha...a cramp? My mind quickly assessed the best hind site, I should have just drained my bottle there, ate, and continued on in my granny gear for the remainder of lap, but I chose an alternate. I got off of the bike, resulting in a SOLID cramp from swinging my leg over the saddle and proceeded to TRY to stretch my quad, causing a KILLER hamstring cramp...that was it...
About face and rolled back, handed in my chip, and saw lots of solo chips in the return box...hmmmm where was I in the standings? 13th after 6.5 hours of result....15th.
Was feeling bummed for two reasons...1...nutrition plan may have been my limitation during this event. Hoping to come in in top 10....5 placings away from it.
On the positive...shoulder felt GREAT! Position 14 was "Ian" who came in 2nd during the 24 hr summer solstice SOLO....Hmmmm...a pretty good testament to who showed up for this and the effects of the heat on everybody's abilities...I was watching Ian pass for the final 2 laps (he got 10) and he was took him right to the wire to get those final two laps....good on him and feeling quite satisfied that what I left at the course was my best given......everything ;)
Great to see Jay-Z come in 9th in this over 40 Solo category and Mike Ring nailing 3rd in the over 40 category as well. NOw.......HANSOLO?.......hell yeah....I need to massage my psyche and sculpt my mind to make it iron clad ;)
BTW...great to have the girls out supporting...chek the pic as Lauren was handing me bottles every lap...:))) Stats:HR monitor was acting just the facts m'aam..just the fax
Placed: 15th completed 8laps
Time of last lap completed 6:03:12 (too freakin hot and cramped up)
Avg lap time: 45:24
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