Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Week 2 of Fitness reversal

Perhaps it has something to do with 2 kids to get prepped for school daycare in the morning and a wife who hits the snooze button at 5 am EVERY MORNING. This makes an early morning workout....damn near impossible unless I want to have my wife have a nervous breakdown. Perhaps the travel that is required to make appts between Scarborough and Ottawa also result in the ability to get an early morning workout...impossible. So, this leaves the evenings....well...lately, road travel results in my return back to Kingston for 5 or 6 pm...so an evening workout is in the cards but will have to make a commitment that revolves around kids swimming and wife's HR meetings. When did it get so hard to make this happen.....ahhhhh, it just came to me...I had an EXCUSE in the past. The EXCUSE was the necessity to get the hours of time in to prep for 8 and the almighty 24 hour SOLO races. This is the denominator that has resulted in a weak link in the training chain..what to do..planned races this year are group 24 and a couple fun ones with Paul's a given and the Kingston Marathon mt bike race incorporated in here as well. In a word...mello..

Well, I sit here typing this while the kiddies are finishing their meal and is almost 8 pm...behind the 8 ball as they had swimming tonight...so let's take Tuesday's out of the equation. I'm going to plan to meet a local group for wednesday evening night rides at the Farm....this will begin to get some consistency..Will also plan on an early a.m road ride once a week..will have to pick this day of week and make it happen. Can't forget the gym....say goodbye to Saturday workouts with wife as this is Easter wknd coming up and we will be in Belleville..hope to get an afternoon ride in, fingers crossed. Ideally....once a week should be spent in of doors with quality core work. This Sunday is also Easter with the Folks...will plan on riding with Fil this day as well....weather is up in the air lately...we'll see.

All in all....week two of return from Jamaica...discouraged with lack of activity....sipping a G&T doesn't help matters but it is....oh so tasty....it will all right side up itself in a few days. Oh yes, I know what will help and it is coming in the mail shortly....a Garmin 705 with maps, cadence and HR monitor...this should get me geeking with technology and exploring with a new found curiosity with some of the local landscape.

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