Thursday, June 10, 2010

quick little rip

This is my regular Thursday night 24 hr partner wasn't able to join due to his wife working late and he ALSO has a wife and two kids to schedule these kinds of things, I was hmm'n and haaa'n about the plan. Do I go to Fort Henry and do some hill repeats, clip into the road and get some saddle time and attack some hills along the way or just go for a little rip at the local trails....well the sun surfaced and the ground looked waaay drier than Gan where I worked, so a mt bike it was.

Packed light, water in bottle...damn need to get some more perpetuum and heed..and off I went. The geometry of this ride makes me feel so much like I'm cheating even with dropping the bar as low as the stack will allow....may go negative degree stem...

Pretty low key ride with a kicker....all my gear was dirty....well all except the colors of a local bike shop that just doesn't get along with me anymore.....on I donned and off I went. Other than my heart rate elevating a few beats and some adrenaline boost with a glance at the hall mirror on my way out it was a pretty mellow, laid back ride. Trails a little slick and really looking forward to the terrain at Albion. Stats:

52 min
145 Avg HR; 173 max
In Zone: 41 min; above 10 min
600 Kcal
16 Km...HA and that used to be a loop that would result in me racking the bike back on the roof of the car...felt like i was cheating tonight....road ride to/from work tomorrow to make up for it
Avg spd 18.4 km/hr; Max 41.2

Plan..finish this king can of Maclays...I'm getting cheap re: beer and get some carbs to prep for tomorrow's ride...this wknd.......put the dock in at the cottage and have wifey drop me off half way home to ride the cat trail home..the part with actual undulating terrain...should be a good experience :)

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