Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A new week and a test of the lungs

Did I mention how happy I am that I have a bunch of people religiously coming to visit my garage to create a mist of steam and puddles of sweat on my garage floor twice a week......EXTREMELY!!! Let me tell you why.....

The "old John" would have quite happily chose yesterday as a recovery day to nurse this stupid cold and stay OFF of the Bike. The "new John" has created a failproof system for enabling consistency......much like a gym functions with membership. If ALL 7 members (I'll describe what constitutes membership later) were to arrive on the same day.......it would be cramped.....luckily, their are conflicting schedules that result in group sizes of 3 to 6 that fit nicely in the garage. Back to the failproof system........I essentially HAVE TO be present and participate to assist in faciliating the spin sessions.....GENIUS. So, even though I felt like absolute shit last night, I suited up with some arm warmers and thermal tights, fired back an advil and hotchocolate and readied for what I thought would be a super mild spin with the likes of Molly, Pat, Shawn and Frank.

Well it didn't take too long to realize that my lungs were feeling good....GREAT for that matter and that I was really enjoying the intervals without the fear of hacking uncontrollably. End result......50 plus minutes of intervals to the likes of "Suffarama". Stats:

51 min
150 avg; 180 max HR....felt s to the WEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeT
In Zone 110-155 = 30 min; above 20 min; below 1 min
613 Kcal
Avg CAD 81.....was spinning pretty slow during recovery intervals..........Max 136

What I should do........relax tonight as the echinacea seems to be working and prep for tomorrow's spin

What I hope to do......bring the bike INDOORS into the basement and get a recovery and technique session in to anything but the likes of Troy......he wears on my brain and that freaking background MUSIC......there may be hope for next year...Shawn apparently has some skills that include setting up and editing a CD that can mesh with the DVD's

Countdown to training camp in South Carolina....9 wks and two days OR 18 spins left (as per regular schedule...will add one or two more a week three weeks prior to) and as many XC skiis in that I can muster prior to........why........one word and it rhymes with Mommy and Manrahan ;)

1 comment:

  1. back atcha, it's me that's afraid of you...the mental dicipline that it takes to stay on the trainer.... very cool. Post a video.
