Not too much to say about last night....we were all poooped after our drive back from New Brunswick...(see pic to right of extreme focus) the house all crashed around 11 pm....I had an agenda..the road bike was all prepped with cool weather gear all laid out in the spare room for a quick donning to bring the new year on "right note".
Weather was favourable with a risk of rain. I phone dialed in to some radio and off i went with a quick stop at the convenience store to load up with a starbucks energy drink (mistake....) and a gatorade to supplement the water bottle of water equipped on the bike. Heart rate was looking pretty good and the goal quickly turned into a ride that surpassed distance of Tommy :) All I kept in my head was sloooow and base building. Didn't take too long for all of the sand/slop to quickly gather in my drivetrain and along the entire backside of me...fenders would be a good idea....actually, converting that peugot to a shitty weather ride is now a sealed deal.
I decided to keep going straight into Camden vs cutting right to begin my turnaround from travels north of Kingston...why...because after Tommy giving me the "heads up" about the expectations for speed, distance, and vertical in's time to purge every bit of slackness out of the system to prep for this season. Other than a quick pick of the bike it was a sustained spin which has resulted in a niiiice bit of fatique. So it began....the stats:
2 hr 57 min
155 avg HR (riiiight at lactate threshold)
181 max HR
"In zone" 1 hr 22 min
Above zone/anaerobic 1 hour 34 min
2281 KCal
Distance 77.8 km
Avg speed 26.4 max 49.3 km/hr
Avg CAD 94 Max CAD 110
I will consider this a "moderate to hard day" and choose to use tomorrow on the trainer to keep things more "recover"...thinking Coach troy's recovery and Technique vid. Monday will be back to previous schedule with intensity and carry on with Mon, Wed, Sun spins and hope to GOD some snow falls to get the XC skiing/riding in.
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