Yesterday was a treat, riding out of doors on the road bike, with plus 8 degree temperature. No toe warmers and a good sweat on was a great way to start the new year. What wasn't a treat was the aftermath that a bunch of sand/salt and sludge did to my road bike. A thorough cleaning was performed and readied myself for a commitment for a morning garage spin for recovery. Frank was the only member of the crew who bit the bait and later found out he already had a P90x early morning THAT's committment ;)
We just decided to throw on some heart rate monitors and plug into a new video he bought over christmas break...actually a great climbing video, but kept intensity to below threshold vs the 90% he was barking throughout. Prefer this one to the uphill grind as the scenery is OUT vs IN a studio. Pretty mellow...see stats:
1 hr 16 min
126 avg 155 max HR
In zone (110-155 bpm) 56 min; below 19 min TRUE recover stats ;)
578 Kcal
Avg CAD 86 max 96
Finished the session and toyed with idea of continuing on with a spin tomorrow, made some loose plans my wife had a sandwich (chicken salad/avocado) ready to devour, HOWEVER.....Lauren(5 yr old), her friend Jordan, and the little copycat/Emma(2 year old)also decided they wanted a "bite" a sandwich was good.
Frank shared his goal of weight loss which further sealed my deal....plan on losing 8-10 pounds pre-trip to get ready for the CLIIIIiiiiiimbs in South Carolina. Should be an easy task.....Right ;)
So...if no spin takers tomorrow....will try my hand at running.....why......why not
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