So, I think the only way it's going to happen is if I have someone literally in front of me yelling at full throttle during the last min of a tempo anaerobic 5 min interval.....the body is just feeling gooooood. Wish I had a power meter to see how much wattage this weee lad can create..Maybe on the wish list for next year :)
Sweeet 75 min session with out own intervals that went kinda like this....15 min warm up and then 5 minutes of tempo, high resistance for 5 minutes with a 6 MINUTE recovery....we established waay too long and will knock that down to 3 minutes next all in all 5 x 5 min High Resistance temp anaerobic with some pretty significant recovery. Popped in a free ride vid of North Shore for some inspiration....cwazzzzy freeride style
End was either the espresso pre-spin or the much needed mellow time over wknd (except for saturdays aerobic spin) Was definitely getting over some kind of stomach bug but can safely reassure myself that it has passed.
1 hr 15 min
146 avg; 180 max
In zone 38 min (aero) above 27 min(anaerobic)below 9 min
833Kcal...quickly replenished with wife's tuna casserole and salad yummm
83 avg CAD 120 Max
Plan.....keep it consistent Wed, Friday and recruit as many of these like minded unstable partners to keep spinning for 2 plus hours this and following SUNDAY :)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
24 Hour SOLO motivation :)
I knew I had a limited amount of opportunity to clock in for a long ride today given the agenda that was planned so....tested the waters and decided it would be best to get a spin in while Jac took the kids to gymnastics. Now....I'm not a bad parent.....I have been going to the kid's gymnastics consistently every Saturday. It's great to see Lauren from a distance, as she is in an upper level class, and helping coax Emms with some of the activities (Jac is a "hand holder" and is with her the ENTIRE duration). So....that leaves me....kind of watching....on the floor instead of the other parents up in the window'd balcony. All that being was a good time to capture this time to get a spin in so I could...RELAX and enjoy the rest of the evening.
Time for some reflection. Why am I doing what I'm's important to ask every once in a while.....and....I'm not sure. What I AM sure of is I wish I had MORE time to do it with MORE resources at my disposal i.e a second road and mountain bike for poor weather (OUTDOOR OPTIONS). Realistically....if money grew on trees...for sure, I'd be outside vs inside and actually making some forward motion and potentially having quite a bit more fun doing this as well. The reality, I will be participating in the three 8 hour solo and HANSOLO with my single mountain bike with which I feel I do keep expertly maintained. In all out ideals it would look like this....two Anthem and one Trance. The Anthem with slightly less travel and a more aggressive set-up for just shits and giggles of going fast at the beginning of events and the Good trustworthy Trance for long training rides and also as a spare bike for night laps during 24's. Essentially two bikes for the luxury of buttery smooth drive trains and squeal free bikes every lap ;)
More reflection.....The real deal is this..Winter has been good for health (always seem to get one chest cold that kicks my ass for one to two weeks...this year it was a head cold and lasted 2 MONTHS) The good news is that it only interrupted 3 regular spin sessions with the only other "disruption" being a trip out East to visit the inlaws and that is far from a negative impact to training. Consistency has been good....on the trainer....that being said I am SOOOO looking forward to unleashing this fitness in positive temps (rain or shine..I DON'T CARE)
And the last bit o reflectin'....this season I have has pretty much confirmed/solidified my participation in the Spring, Summer and Fall 8 Solo category (under 40 age group) with the most effective test of wills and body, HANSOLO near the end of season. In reality....if placing in these events is good, and good means continual improvements from past years results, then I think I will owe it to myself to make that "ideal situation" noted above to become reality for NEXT season :) I can only imaging how Tommy (yeah you buddy) felt stepping onto that third place podium last year....I'm thinking that taste of victory has made you a mad only question is this.....why not FOCUS on the 8 hour series THIS year and kick some ass man. Ever wonder what standing on the FIRST PLACE podium feels like :))))) We'll talk in SC BABY
Hmm..I guess I never did figure "WHY" I do this.....maybe I can figure this out during my rides in the EPIC 8's and won't even THINK of having THAT conversation during the 24.......for obvious reasons ;) The conclusion I've come to so far is that it just feels goooood and has a positive reflection on aspects of my life OFF of the bike as well. 'Nough said and time to post some stats from my mellow aero ride this a.m.:
1 hr 11 min
137 avg ; 160 max HR
In zone - 1 hr 5 min; above 4 min; below 1 min
727 Kcal
Avg Cad 79; max 100.....I did say "mellow" right ;)
I forgot to add that I was using Fil's Kinetic trainer and came to the conclusion that the Fluid in the trainer is a little more "forgiving" when it is the warmth of a basement vs the frozen tundra conditions of the garage.
Oh yeah...plan...I need to recruit Shawn for a spin tomorrow..let's see if he's game :)
Date day and NIGHT
Saturday morning and looking forward to the first of my two dates. The first is with Mr Etough and "24 Hour Solo" while getting a little aerobic spin in the basement. Was feeling a little "off" the past couple of days so decided it would be wise to lay off the training and await the end state of whatever was manifesting itself in my body. I'm coffee two in and......have set-up the bike to rock and rolll.
Then after kids and wife get back from gymnastics it's a little family bonding time before we drop the kids off at the folks and head out for OUR date night. I do have to say, it's great to live in the same city as one's parents and it's great that I have parents who are willing and able to take these little munchkins once a week to enable Jac and I to have some good ole fashioned "us" time. The Keg is first on the agenda and let the chips fall where they may after that....
Plan for tomorrow is to also get a good long spin in as well...shit...only three more weeks until SC..I can already feel the warm sun on my quads as I intermittently get out of the saddle, much like a metronome, to attack either Fil, Carmen, or Tommy...I'm sure we'll all have our turn ;)
Then after kids and wife get back from gymnastics it's a little family bonding time before we drop the kids off at the folks and head out for OUR date night. I do have to say, it's great to live in the same city as one's parents and it's great that I have parents who are willing and able to take these little munchkins once a week to enable Jac and I to have some good ole fashioned "us" time. The Keg is first on the agenda and let the chips fall where they may after that....
Plan for tomorrow is to also get a good long spin in as well...shit...only three more weeks until SC..I can already feel the warm sun on my quads as I intermittently get out of the saddle, much like a metronome, to attack either Fil, Carmen, or Tommy...I'm sure we'll all have our turn ;)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
"recovery spin" AAAAaahhh
Just me and Molly last night to get 6 straight sessions in a row in...THis was a recovery spin with the following format: 15 min warm-up, 5 x 40 (sec high cadence - 20 sec low intensity) with 3 min recovery between each of these sets and an easy spin to cool down to get a cooool hour in the saddle. NO coach troy....just some groovy spin tunes. Avg HR was 129 (that's more like it eh tommy) Will add rest of stats after tonight's HARD ANAEROBIC SESSION of 75 min...I'll admit it.....body is feeling a tad beat up.....may take Friday and saturday off...expecting snow...may have to wax up those skiis again ...YIPPEEEEEEE
So when I wrote the above it was during a quick moment at work. Body started to rebel with me soon after. The idea to take it easy came to light and cancelled the evening spin. Chillin and "listening" to Leafs vs Habs game as coverage is BLACKED out here in K-town. I gues a freakin BILLIARDS tourney in TRENTON was considered more important ?!?!!?!?!
So when I wrote the above it was during a quick moment at work. Body started to rebel with me soon after. The idea to take it easy came to light and cancelled the evening spin. Chillin and "listening" to Leafs vs Habs game as coverage is BLACKED out here in K-town. I gues a freakin BILLIARDS tourney in TRENTON was considered more important ?!?!!?!?!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tuesday night Threshold retest :)
I was happy to have a crew including Molly a.k.a. Ms Consistent, Frank who brought a new recruit (welcome Julie), and Pat (welcome back :)) for todays threshold test tonight. This week is the week Molly and I have committed as a mini training camp for our own individual reasons. Let's get right to it.....a 20 minute all out effort(total 60 minute program)...felt good and was definitely at my threshold in my big and 14-12 throughout ;)
165 avg....the "magic numbah" and max of 186
87 avg CAD and 114 max (just for 20 minute interval)
165 bpm is the only stat that's needed
And time to reflect........last test/first test in November yielded an avg hr of 157 which means I've increased 8 bpm....without monitoring wattage....I'll call that just a freakin improvement considering I also had my trainer at an increased resistance and was pushing the biggest gears I could throughout with a good cadence
So adjusted Lactate Threshold 157 bpm or in other words....aerobic training is anything below 157 for aerobic power or 147 ideal for sustained aerobic and anaerobic is now anything over 157....yummy.
The crew were in top form tonight...Minimal groans and sinister snickers indicated all were having a good time even though Frank and Julie were purging the flu through every pore. It appears Frank may be back tomorrow....Molly is a given ;)
Time to settle in with the kiddies....load em all in the bed and watch "Dispicable Me"....hmm I remember the days I used to take advantage of that 55" Sony Wega with B&W surround sound in the basement.......oh well..I'll take movie night in our bed with two little bed bugs any day of the week.
Plan.....keep on trucking like the dead(the Grateful kind) indicate it need to be for the remainder of the week....I have to admit...I'm a little concerned with Molly joining if this consistent streak will EVER END...I may catch her fever ;)
165 avg....the "magic numbah" and max of 186
87 avg CAD and 114 max (just for 20 minute interval)
165 bpm is the only stat that's needed
And time to reflect........last test/first test in November yielded an avg hr of 157 which means I've increased 8 bpm....without monitoring wattage....I'll call that just a freakin improvement considering I also had my trainer at an increased resistance and was pushing the biggest gears I could throughout with a good cadence
So adjusted Lactate Threshold 157 bpm or in other words....aerobic training is anything below 157 for aerobic power or 147 ideal for sustained aerobic and anaerobic is now anything over 157....yummy.
The crew were in top form tonight...Minimal groans and sinister snickers indicated all were having a good time even though Frank and Julie were purging the flu through every pore. It appears Frank may be back tomorrow....Molly is a given ;)
Time to settle in with the kiddies....load em all in the bed and watch "Dispicable Me"....hmm I remember the days I used to take advantage of that 55" Sony Wega with B&W surround sound in the basement.......oh well..I'll take movie night in our bed with two little bed bugs any day of the week.
Plan.....keep on trucking like the dead(the Grateful kind) indicate it need to be for the remainder of the week....I have to admit...I'm a little concerned with Molly joining if this consistent streak will EVER END...I may catch her fever ;)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Family Day ;)
After spending some good quality family time, I tinkered in the garage devising a method to putting Coach troy on the shelf, FOR GOOD, for remainder of indoor season. And then it hit me.....we've been doing enough of these vids now to just jam to some tunes. A quick scan led me to find my daughters white board/blackboard/flip chart to write some basic parameters for sessions and we are ALLLL SET. Now we can plug into some great tunes/vids of mountain biking and enjoy our sessions at our own pace. This is what it is going to be tonight:
The plan is to watch some Super 8 to a decent soundtrack and just hammer along to one of three programs that I've created....tonight will be Aerobic Power ;) Tomorrow....Anaerobic Power....Thursday..Aerobic Power 2....Friday...Recovery and Technique....Friday...get the idea :)
Those attending will be me......Molly and Shawn. Fil is in BC, Frank is ill, Pat has family committments (it is Family day after all), and Randal also has other committments. All I know is Molly, Shawn and Fil get gold stars with Molly taking podium for most committed stationary spinners of 2010/2011. Stats from tonight to soon follow..
The crew showed up early and we had a good aerobic session that essentially included a 15 minute progressive warm-up and then 5 x (4 min high intensity - 2 min low intensity) intervals...I added an extra interval and still felt like I was "cheating". I'm thinking tomrrow may be a Lactate threshold test to re-establish my training threshold.....I'm pretty sure Molly will be game for this approach as well. It's settled....that's the plan.. Stats from tonight:
1 hr
139 avg; 164 max HR
In zone - 49 min above 5 min and below 6 min
615 Kcal
Avg CAD 91 - Max 115
Those attending will be me......Molly and Shawn. Fil is in BC, Frank is ill, Pat has family committments (it is Family day after all), and Randal also has other committments. All I know is Molly, Shawn and Fil get gold stars with Molly taking podium for most committed stationary spinners of 2010/2011. Stats from tonight to soon follow..
The crew showed up early and we had a good aerobic session that essentially included a 15 minute progressive warm-up and then 5 x (4 min high intensity - 2 min low intensity) intervals...I added an extra interval and still felt like I was "cheating". I'm thinking tomrrow may be a Lactate threshold test to re-establish my training threshold.....I'm pretty sure Molly will be game for this approach as well. It's settled....that's the plan.. Stats from tonight:
1 hr
139 avg; 164 max HR
In zone - 49 min above 5 min and below 6 min
615 Kcal
Avg CAD 91 - Max 115
Sunday, February 20, 2011
So this is where it is all going down over this long Family day Looong wknd. I like the idea of being warm in the confines of my own basement equipped with all the luxuries of
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday&Saturday to a gooood start
As SC is nearing by the day and winter has essentially.....gone, here in was time to get serious with some consecutive spins. Impromptu text and coordinating with Molly led to a Friday post work spin to the likes of suffarama. Good session with Fil, Molly, Shawn and Fil. Stats:
55 min 38 sec...short and sweet
141 HR avg with a 176 max
In zone 31 min; above 17 min; below 7 min
Avg CAD 90 max 142
So some discussion was had about the next week......I'm getting a bit edgy ensuring I will have the fitness it takes to fully enjoy the amount of climbing and riding from 7 days/8 nights of a "stage race" errrrr training ;) So its time to crank it up a notch. Hence the solo aerobic venture spinning in the basement today...Stats:
1 hr 26 min
Avg 133 Bpm max aerobic "Blue zone" training
In zone 1 hr 20 min; below 6 min......also coined as "discipline" ;)
94 avg CAD; max 151
BTW...thank-you Tommy for posting you last blog....I have to admit I was more concerned about the defined jaw line that clearly indicated your training is paying off vs the amount of pain you may be in from firmly faceplanting into that lumber LOL You need to wear full face for that nonesense man....
Good news.....morning brunch date with another couple with kids has opened up the potential for a group spin...should be anaerobic threshold day....FIL...Lucky SOB for having the ability to wisk off to Whistler to "work" for a couple of weeks.....Molly has quite committingly stepped up to be the motivating collective force for a good solid week PLUS of indoor spinning
We'll see......if roads are dry, it may be time to clip into the candies and go for a spin...but really it should be a threshold testing day....the good weather will be here before I know it...a few more weeks on the trainer can't be that bad other than the fact I've run out of Assos chammie cream..time for a Jenson USA order to prep for the trip ;)
55 min 38 sec...short and sweet
141 HR avg with a 176 max
In zone 31 min; above 17 min; below 7 min
Avg CAD 90 max 142
So some discussion was had about the next week......I'm getting a bit edgy ensuring I will have the fitness it takes to fully enjoy the amount of climbing and riding from 7 days/8 nights of a "stage race" errrrr training ;) So its time to crank it up a notch. Hence the solo aerobic venture spinning in the basement today...Stats:
1 hr 26 min
Avg 133 Bpm max aerobic "Blue zone" training
In zone 1 hr 20 min; below 6 min......also coined as "discipline" ;)
94 avg CAD; max 151
BTW...thank-you Tommy for posting you last blog....I have to admit I was more concerned about the defined jaw line that clearly indicated your training is paying off vs the amount of pain you may be in from firmly faceplanting into that lumber LOL You need to wear full face for that nonesense man....
Good news.....morning brunch date with another couple with kids has opened up the potential for a group spin...should be anaerobic threshold day....FIL...Lucky SOB for having the ability to wisk off to Whistler to "work" for a couple of weeks.....Molly has quite committingly stepped up to be the motivating collective force for a good solid week PLUS of indoor spinning
We'll see......if roads are dry, it may be time to clip into the candies and go for a spin...but really it should be a threshold testing day....the good weather will be here before I know it...a few more weeks on the trainer can't be that bad other than the fact I've run out of Assos chammie cream..time for a Jenson USA order to prep for the trip ;)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Wondering why I'm so fatigued...and then it hit me
It's getting harrrrd to keep motivated to spin indoors without moving forward and feeling the wind, warm temps and sounds of LIFE!!!!! But I'm sticking with it to see what this season will bring in the realm of REWARDS!!
All in attendance for tonights session...Ms Consistent a.k.a MOLLY and her partnah in crime Randal. Fil had an impromptu visit from a good bud and newlywed wife which gave him the uncomfortable option of not attending. Pat....where have you gone man....I hope you are still amongst the land of the living..those office job's will KILL YA ;) Sean was working and Frank....he's good for a monday at least ;)
So there were three....Suffarama was inserted and after a solid 10 min warm-up it began..I think it can be summed up like this....get three extremely motivated individuals together and the collective energy becomes almost NUCLEAR....STATS:
1 hr 5 min
150 avg HR....yeah that's was threshold day
180 MAX...with my highest heart rate recorded at 187....not bad ;)
In zone 31 min; above 31 min...yeah that means higher then 155 or threshold; below 3 min
778 Kcal
Avg CAD 78...happy with that cadence with power training...122 max...
I've noticed something interesting.......gone is that spare tire...clothes are quite loose, bike shorts are feeling pretty snug around the quads/hams and work socks are also feeling pretty snug and around the calves....Hmmmmm....could I be transforming into a full on and legitimate cyclist.....time will tell.....rather, we'll know in about 5 weeks whether this consistency and intensity has all paid off :)
Confession...was hoping to get a full week of consistency in...we'll see..So far 2 hour spin monday, recovery and technique Monday, tuesday rest, today freakin intense hour of intervals....may bring the bike in tomorrow evening and set up to a movie for a little base/recovery of 1.5-2 hours..evaluate after tomorrow
It's getting harrrrd to keep motivated to spin indoors without moving forward and feeling the wind, warm temps and sounds of LIFE!!!!! But I'm sticking with it to see what this season will bring in the realm of REWARDS!!
All in attendance for tonights session...Ms Consistent a.k.a MOLLY and her partnah in crime Randal. Fil had an impromptu visit from a good bud and newlywed wife which gave him the uncomfortable option of not attending. Pat....where have you gone man....I hope you are still amongst the land of the living..those office job's will KILL YA ;) Sean was working and Frank....he's good for a monday at least ;)
So there were three....Suffarama was inserted and after a solid 10 min warm-up it began..I think it can be summed up like this....get three extremely motivated individuals together and the collective energy becomes almost NUCLEAR....STATS:
1 hr 5 min
150 avg HR....yeah that's was threshold day
180 MAX...with my highest heart rate recorded at 187....not bad ;)
In zone 31 min; above 31 min...yeah that means higher then 155 or threshold; below 3 min
778 Kcal
Avg CAD 78...happy with that cadence with power training...122 max...
I've noticed something interesting.......gone is that spare tire...clothes are quite loose, bike shorts are feeling pretty snug around the quads/hams and work socks are also feeling pretty snug and around the calves....Hmmmmm....could I be transforming into a full on and legitimate cyclist.....time will tell.....rather, we'll know in about 5 weeks whether this consistency and intensity has all paid off :)
Confession...was hoping to get a full week of consistency in...we'll see..So far 2 hour spin monday, recovery and technique Monday, tuesday rest, today freakin intense hour of intervals....may bring the bike in tomorrow evening and set up to a movie for a little base/recovery of 1.5-2 hours..evaluate after tomorrow
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday..Recovery and Technique
Fairly good turn out for a "Love Day" spin session. 5:30 ish spin to the likes of Recover and Technique or one legged drills and cadence session. Added a couple extra chapters of one legged drills and high cadence to make it an hour. Stats to be added later. Thinking this could be a good week to punch in 7 days straight on trainer to acclimatize as per Tommy's be continued
Sunday, February 13, 2011
2 Hr indoor session DONE!!!
As SC is approaching quickly and am hearing the training of our fellow travel companions start to creep up with more hours in the saddle, I figured weekends are now time to ramp up my own saddle time as well.
Frank, a regular spin and most notably night skiing partnah had bought and brought a couple more recent virtual training videos for our Monday/Wednesday Spin sessions. These virtual sessions are great aero base builders with a slight tilt to the regular scenary. The only downfall........mentally CHALLENGING to stay aerobic..but a great sense of relief when DONE.
Tommy and Carmen are getting some OUTDOOR rides in now with a glimmer of warm weather the last couple of on the other hand prefer my trusty Giant Trance to stay firmly planted on the garage wall, free of salt and sand as I don't have the luxury of multiple bikes....sell to buy and grieve heavily with each is what it is unless I win the lotto ;)
Was hoping to also get a ski in this aft with wifey.....but positive temps and waxable skiis tell me otherwise from previous experience with warm weather wax REMOVAL!!! I'll just wait for temps to drop later this week. Dillema now....regular spin session on or off for Valentines day....Im sure Fil is in.......Shawn as well......will test the waters with the wife today :)
Stats: From Volume 6: Tempe Arizona 2 hr virtual training ride
2 hr....and 3 sec
140 avg and 154 max HR (perrrrrrrfect aero training...could have pushed it to get an avg of 145 though)
In zone (110-155) was 1 hr 51 min; NONE above and almost 9 minutes below
1211 Kcal
Avg Cad 89 and 103 max
With all that time on the trainer I was also refelecting on past seasons and my expectations for next season.....My goals last year were to achieve top 50% of age group standing..pretty much achieved that. Considering training over winter...i need to raise the bar but "appropriately"...So here it goes....Top 30% in 8 hour epic series and perhaps a top ten again :) in the 24 HANSOLO.
Feeling weary...need calories and about to sell some XC boots via that engine :)
Frank, a regular spin and most notably night skiing partnah had bought and brought a couple more recent virtual training videos for our Monday/Wednesday Spin sessions. These virtual sessions are great aero base builders with a slight tilt to the regular scenary. The only downfall........mentally CHALLENGING to stay aerobic..but a great sense of relief when DONE.
Tommy and Carmen are getting some OUTDOOR rides in now with a glimmer of warm weather the last couple of on the other hand prefer my trusty Giant Trance to stay firmly planted on the garage wall, free of salt and sand as I don't have the luxury of multiple bikes....sell to buy and grieve heavily with each is what it is unless I win the lotto ;)
Was hoping to also get a ski in this aft with wifey.....but positive temps and waxable skiis tell me otherwise from previous experience with warm weather wax REMOVAL!!! I'll just wait for temps to drop later this week. Dillema now....regular spin session on or off for Valentines day....Im sure Fil is in.......Shawn as well......will test the waters with the wife today :)
Stats: From Volume 6: Tempe Arizona 2 hr virtual training ride
2 hr....and 3 sec
140 avg and 154 max HR (perrrrrrrfect aero training...could have pushed it to get an avg of 145 though)
In zone (110-155) was 1 hr 51 min; NONE above and almost 9 minutes below
1211 Kcal
Avg Cad 89 and 103 max
With all that time on the trainer I was also refelecting on past seasons and my expectations for next season.....My goals last year were to achieve top 50% of age group standing..pretty much achieved that. Considering training over winter...i need to raise the bar but "appropriately"...So here it goes....Top 30% in 8 hour epic series and perhaps a top ten again :) in the 24 HANSOLO.
Feeling weary...need calories and about to sell some XC boots via that engine :)
Shifting gears or MISSHIFTING gears!?!?!?!
Plans changed pretty drastically, it seems, which were partially to having one car as mine was in the shop. DID manage to get the regular Thursday night ski in with Frank, Fil and Shawn. A solid 10 plus k of pretty slick classic skiing. Usual hit the hay around midnight and hope for a solid 5 hrs of sleep to get ready for Friday work.
Friday's post workout turned into a pickup kids, wife, and pop by the liquor store....never a good start, for training anyways.....settled into the evening with a couple beer and caught up with some essential chores on Saturday. So Saturday's hockey game ALSO cancelled for reasons I am not entirely clear thing you know its Sunday and I have't brought my heart rate up past 100 since Thursday...correction since installing a K&N air filter in the A6 yesterday....more frustration than anything
SOooooo..I'm sitting here drinking a coffee with little emms and about to evaluate the weather for today's scheduled XC ski with the forecast calling for positive way am I prepping our skiis with that warm weather crap wax....thinking a spin in basement (hopefully) get that going in the next hour and then re-evaluate the xc ski thing..
Back to coffee, Barnie and catering to the requests of my 2.5 yr old :)
Will definitely get a 2 hour spin in as Tommy was planning on getting ANOTHER 100k OUTDOOR ride in....if only i had an "outdoor bike".....can't have it all I guess...or can I ;)
Friday's post workout turned into a pickup kids, wife, and pop by the liquor store....never a good start, for training anyways.....settled into the evening with a couple beer and caught up with some essential chores on Saturday. So Saturday's hockey game ALSO cancelled for reasons I am not entirely clear thing you know its Sunday and I have't brought my heart rate up past 100 since Thursday...correction since installing a K&N air filter in the A6 yesterday....more frustration than anything
SOooooo..I'm sitting here drinking a coffee with little emms and about to evaluate the weather for today's scheduled XC ski with the forecast calling for positive way am I prepping our skiis with that warm weather crap wax....thinking a spin in basement (hopefully) get that going in the next hour and then re-evaluate the xc ski thing..
Back to coffee, Barnie and catering to the requests of my 2.5 yr old :)
Will definitely get a 2 hour spin in as Tommy was planning on getting ANOTHER 100k OUTDOOR ride in....if only i had an "outdoor bike".....can't have it all I guess...or can I ;)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
HAAAaaaave MERCY!!!
I like to rate my days according to a simple classification that goes as follows.....Green-Amber-Red. You know those kind of days that everything goes right....flow is just established in all avenues and facets of the days, hours and minutes. Yesterday was one of those days which was also a full on "rest day". Today, on the other Amber and borderline Red day. It all started when my morning started off with my aging Audi A4 deciding it was going to do it's best to retire itself...... purging itself of all of its vital life fluids...diagnosed as a blown seal between intercooler and oil filter...lucky. This subsequently led to some logistical challenges to getting to work...blah blah blah..all in all car will be back and better than ever by wknd. Was really looking forward to tonight's spin.
No question....Have Mercy was tonight's agenda. Molly, Randal and Fil were in attendance...Molly looking a little rough around the edges....I'm thinking in need of some serious R&R...what do you think molly??? Session was going well until Molly gets a loss as she already had her morning leg workout (crazy...yes I think so). Randal continued to punch in for an hour and then also retired for other obligations leaving Fil and I to continue on. Some static squats and a final 10 minute sustained 30 second gear changing session of intervals led us to feel refreshed and happy with the workout. Stats:
1 hr 30 min
144 avg HR 177 max
36 min In zone; 36 min above; 17 min below (110-155 zone)
Avg Cad 82; 125 max
Plan...night ski tomorrow night with hopes of getting two loops in vs the usual one....Friday ski post work, saturday hockey, Sunday ski with wife, Monday spin, tuesday rest, and repeat the cycle....
Oh yeah....this is for you tommy ;
No question....Have Mercy was tonight's agenda. Molly, Randal and Fil were in attendance...Molly looking a little rough around the edges....I'm thinking in need of some serious R&R...what do you think molly??? Session was going well until Molly gets a loss as she already had her morning leg workout (crazy...yes I think so). Randal continued to punch in for an hour and then also retired for other obligations leaving Fil and I to continue on. Some static squats and a final 10 minute sustained 30 second gear changing session of intervals led us to feel refreshed and happy with the workout. Stats:
1 hr 30 min
144 avg HR 177 max
36 min In zone; 36 min above; 17 min below (110-155 zone)
Avg Cad 82; 125 max
Plan...night ski tomorrow night with hopes of getting two loops in vs the usual one....Friday ski post work, saturday hockey, Sunday ski with wife, Monday spin, tuesday rest, and repeat the cycle....
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday Zoots challenge...puke...almost :(
Why do I have this buring desire to puke during one of these spinning sessions...maybe it's to prove to myslef that FINALLY I've pushed the limits and can judge what it feels like to feel the edge..I don't know. Perhaps its because Mr. Spak refers to his trainer as the Vomit machine....he places extremely well.....maybe if I start power puking, then maybe I will reach that pinnacle perforance worthy of podiums....Hmm.. Well the challenge is on and Molly has indicated she will do everything in her power to help this come to fruition...Fil.....all I have to do is mention the idea and it will be a who can puke first ambition at the get go :)
Stats from last night's Zoot Challenge:
1 hour 4 min
Avg HR 142, Max 176
IN zone 34 min; above 21 min; below 8 min
688 Calories...whatever....too general but keep documenting nonethless
Avg CAD 83 and Max 144.....need to get that over 150 to increase the likelihood of Puke Factor.
Plan...Tues(today) supposed to take it easy.......can't freakin do it though...plan on plugging in to some recovery and technique tonight, remove that gooey warm weather wax from skiis to prep for Thursday night ski, wednesday spin, hockey tourney this weekned errrr a 2 hour annual game between city slickers and battersea...should be good....sleep and eat and repeat :)
Stats from last night's Zoot Challenge:
1 hour 4 min
Avg HR 142, Max 176
IN zone 34 min; above 21 min; below 8 min
688 Calories...whatever....too general but keep documenting nonethless
Avg CAD 83 and Max 144.....need to get that over 150 to increase the likelihood of Puke Factor.
Plan...Tues(today) supposed to take it easy.......can't freakin do it though...plan on plugging in to some recovery and technique tonight, remove that gooey warm weather wax from skiis to prep for Thursday night ski, wednesday spin, hockey tourney this weekned errrr a 2 hour annual game between city slickers and battersea...should be good....sleep and eat and repeat :)
Monday, February 7, 2011
WTF dodgin' me or what?!?!?!
Likeminded individuals congregate at similar places of habitat.......And so it happened again.
The wknd was supposed to be a "shut off all cylinders" and recover from a good week of training to spend some quality time with family. That was achieved.....with a quick addition of a classic XC ski on sunday. The moment of opportunity arose as our oldest had an impromptu play date and our youngest was down for a nap....sensing my wife was looking more to a chill session, I grabbed skiis and coated them with that red goopy warm weather wax and headed for the "hills"
Bumped into molly on trail as I had to re-apply another coating of wax to help with this grip thing in warm weather.....I finally understand the cold to hard and warm to soft wax approach. Absolutely ripped through the first 10 k and ran into Fil with a buddy of his on my exit.....turned into a second loop which was more of the mellow variety ;)
Interesting stats from my I-phone app:
2 hr: 21 min...inclusive of three dismounts and wax applications
7.45 avg Km/hr......waaaaay faster first loop...should have made it two separate sessions....
1209 Calories
17.54 km..
AhhhHA check this out: breakdown of avg spd per this app
Km1 - 3.47 km/hr(like bambi on ice until I waxed appropriately, twice stopped to apply)
Km2 - 5.98
Km3 - 10.27
Km4 - 10.4
Km5 - 9.44
Km6 - 5.69
Km 7 - 11.99
Km8 - 8.44 (this is where I met up with Fil and Tim)
Km9 - 7.67
Km10 - 8.39
Km11 - 7.66
Km12 - 10.62 (broke away for alittle bit of a rip here)
Km14 - 8.21
Km 15 - 7.11
Km 16 - 7.84
Km17 - 9.69(last time for a ripper up some nice gradual climb)
Km18 - 4.54
Now here is where it gets fun...Timex HR stats:
2 hr 22 min
In zone - 43 min
Avg HR- 141
Peak HR - 175
Min HR - 76
Total Calories.....1885...mmmmm food gooooood
So this week it's time to crank it up a notch..expect a good showing in the garage for tonight's spin san Fil as he is working....should be 6 of us then and keep momentum flowing for remainder of week :)
The wknd was supposed to be a "shut off all cylinders" and recover from a good week of training to spend some quality time with family. That was achieved.....with a quick addition of a classic XC ski on sunday. The moment of opportunity arose as our oldest had an impromptu play date and our youngest was down for a nap....sensing my wife was looking more to a chill session, I grabbed skiis and coated them with that red goopy warm weather wax and headed for the "hills"
Bumped into molly on trail as I had to re-apply another coating of wax to help with this grip thing in warm weather.....I finally understand the cold to hard and warm to soft wax approach. Absolutely ripped through the first 10 k and ran into Fil with a buddy of his on my exit.....turned into a second loop which was more of the mellow variety ;)
Interesting stats from my I-phone app:
2 hr: 21 min...inclusive of three dismounts and wax applications
7.45 avg Km/hr......waaaaay faster first loop...should have made it two separate sessions....
1209 Calories
17.54 km..
AhhhHA check this out: breakdown of avg spd per this app
Km1 - 3.47 km/hr(like bambi on ice until I waxed appropriately, twice stopped to apply)
Km2 - 5.98
Km3 - 10.27
Km4 - 10.4
Km5 - 9.44
Km6 - 5.69
Km 7 - 11.99
Km8 - 8.44 (this is where I met up with Fil and Tim)
Km9 - 7.67
Km10 - 8.39
Km11 - 7.66
Km12 - 10.62 (broke away for alittle bit of a rip here)
Km14 - 8.21
Km 15 - 7.11
Km 16 - 7.84
Km17 - 9.69(last time for a ripper up some nice gradual climb)
Km18 - 4.54
Now here is where it gets fun...Timex HR stats:
2 hr 22 min
In zone - 43 min
Avg HR- 141
Peak HR - 175
Min HR - 76
Total Calories.....1885...mmmmm food gooooood
So this week it's time to crank it up a notch..expect a good showing in the garage for tonight's spin san Fil as he is working....should be 6 of us then and keep momentum flowing for remainder of week :)
Friday, February 4, 2011
Friday Post Work Ski
Quick text to Shawn and it was ONnnnnn. Met at Little Cat and reverse looped the 10 k outer. Bumped into fil in the parking lot who just finished his loop and decided he get another 5 k in. FAST PACE...Shawn literally skiied his boots off...Both soles came apart. Those boots are not meant to hammer at the pace we were stats as we didn't geek out with our gadgets today.
Mellow wknd, friends and family priority....and some rest ;)
Mellow wknd, friends and family priority....and some rest ;)
Emerging as a fleeting shadow...
SOOoooo happy I held the regular 9:00 pm night ski with Frank and Shawn attending. A random series of texts also brought a gazelle on freakin skiis who goes by the name "Randal". The conditions were absolutely mint and the night was embracing.
10 k of trying to catch Randal with his almost freakish efficiency....No completely fatigued however and looking for some more..... and brought the skiis to work to get a quick one in (reverse loop I think) after the last client of day....should be a solo ripper.... perhaps...Shawn may bite :)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Best Winter EVER!!
We got dumped on...literally....with what has been controversially reported as "up to 20 cm" of snow. Enough snow to keep people from making Physio appts which left my day pretty mellow and thinking of the next workout. Not surprised to see Fil make it for our regular garage session and found Shawn also attending as his workplace was closed due to "snow".....silly people..I commuted 40 minutes down the road, mind you with quattro and winter tires pushing the body of an A6...not hard to do ;)
I was going to give the boys mercy as they had just finished a 2.5 hr snowshoe earlier in the day, but Fil wouldn't have any of a quick and dirty Uphill Grind it was. Cranking up the tension on the magnetic trainer to 4-5 really compares to the Kinetic and also serves to crank up the "suffer meter" as well. Stats:
1 hr on the dot
149 avg and 177 max HR
In zone 26 min; above 27 min; below 6 min
79 avg CAD; 127 Max....a taaaaaad harder to get the cadence up to where I "Like it" but definitely training more power this way
The spin session was last night and am looking forward to a ripper of a night ski tonight with Fil, Frank, and Shawn. Our plan is to get a bit more than the traditional 10 k loop......may have to bring "snacks" :) Tomorrow is a busy clinical day......but the wknd soon rears it's beautiful head and all is good with the world again. Now back to the Kijiji search for a winter bike.....
I was going to give the boys mercy as they had just finished a 2.5 hr snowshoe earlier in the day, but Fil wouldn't have any of a quick and dirty Uphill Grind it was. Cranking up the tension on the magnetic trainer to 4-5 really compares to the Kinetic and also serves to crank up the "suffer meter" as well. Stats:
1 hr on the dot
149 avg and 177 max HR
In zone 26 min; above 27 min; below 6 min
79 avg CAD; 127 Max....a taaaaaad harder to get the cadence up to where I "Like it" but definitely training more power this way
The spin session was last night and am looking forward to a ripper of a night ski tonight with Fil, Frank, and Shawn. Our plan is to get a bit more than the traditional 10 k loop......may have to bring "snacks" :) Tomorrow is a busy clinical day......but the wknd soon rears it's beautiful head and all is good with the world again. Now back to the Kijiji search for a winter bike.....
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Mt. Lemmon
1 hr 47 min of THIS:
153 avg 177 max bpm
In zone (110-155 bpm) 37 min; above 57 min; below 12 min
1231 Kcal
Avg CAD 75 (just turned up the tension on the trainer to match that of the Kinetic)...tension 3-4 seems to mimic the Kinetic...a bit of an adjustment
Max was a consistent climb..
Fatigued but feeling great. Winter storm is a comin' which means some serious xc skiing. Time to increase the distance as the 9-10 k feels more like a warm-up now.
Wednesday - Spin
Thursday - Night Ski
Friday - Hockey or Ski....haven't decided yet....yes I on way home instead ;)
Weekend - Ski Sat (solo?) and with Wife on Sunday
Put a road bike on Kijiji for swap/trade for mountain bike as it is TIME to get OUTSIDE :) but don\t want to take out the Giant
153 avg 177 max bpm
In zone (110-155 bpm) 37 min; above 57 min; below 12 min
1231 Kcal
Avg CAD 75 (just turned up the tension on the trainer to match that of the Kinetic)...tension 3-4 seems to mimic the Kinetic...a bit of an adjustment
Max was a consistent climb..
Fatigued but feeling great. Winter storm is a comin' which means some serious xc skiing. Time to increase the distance as the 9-10 k feels more like a warm-up now.
Wednesday - Spin
Thursday - Night Ski
Friday - Hockey or Ski....haven't decided yet....yes I on way home instead ;)
Weekend - Ski Sat (solo?) and with Wife on Sunday
Put a road bike on Kijiji for swap/trade for mountain bike as it is TIME to get OUTSIDE :) but don\t want to take out the Giant
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