So this is where it is all going down over this long Family day Looong wknd. I like the idea of being warm in the confines of my own basement equipped with all the luxuries of

audio video etc.....now I need to get some inspiring videos as I am absolutely SICK of coach troy. Don't get me wrong....he's treated me and some fellow spinnee's well, but if I have to listen to another 90's soundtrack again.....may impale myself with crank extracting tool. So...Saturday and hoping to get the heck outta this house for some family time. Plan is to keep it family and choose the spin time wisely..will add to post once I have been "successful". By the way...my wife has recently tuned into this blog to check up on me and isn't happy to being referred to as, "the wife" So from now on she will be referred to as Jacquelyn a.k.a. the angel who keeps my world enlightened ;) How's that Jac.....Whoops...I just realized I haven't removed her Yoga mat....damn...nabbed again.
Amen I know what you mean. Re: coach troy you know what to do, how to get a workout - next session put some killer mtb, surfing or sledding on, your music choice, and run through a session with lots of intervals