AAAaaahhhh. Felt good to spin the legs. Legs were happy, heart/lungs also happy, lower back gooood, but a little muscle called the Levator scapulae on the left side decided to give me jabs anytime i decided to muscle with my left upper extremity while looking left at the same time.
Decided to take out the mountain bike as I was sitting in front of a computer most of the day watching the beautiful weather. Made my work quota, completing a report from this a.m.'s assessment so figured...let's check out the local trails, mellow style, for the potential of a night ride in the very near. I figure I should take advantage of having two sets of lights for the remainder of the week and go out with a sun on my shoulders before fil gets back and wants his Seca system that was a killer system...may have to invest in one next year to augment my HID nightrider....maybe I should start buying lottery tickets or selling body parts on the black market to fund my "wants".
Recap on ride...just freakin awesome...local trailbuilders were up to something since I last rode it....all cut just MINT. Quickly realized that I was out riding without notifying anyone...again...and took it super easy, especially with this little sucker punching lev scap discomfort. Feeling refreshed, I made my way out of the trail head with a grin and at almost exactly an hour I felt my ITB on the left knee and the hamstrings start to get angry...lower back thought it might join in as well.....guess this is why they call them recovery rides....stats:
1 hr 3 my polar strap back...bye bye Timex..keep you for skiing/running
127 bpm avg hr...that's more like it 156 max
In zone 1 hr58 sec; below 2 min 51 s; above 4 That'S RECOVER RIDING EH MATT?
584 Kcal....soaking up some recoverite as I type
17.1 km....relaxing
avg spd 16.1 km/hr; max 37.5
Plan...check my email to see if a couple guys bit for a night ride tomorrow or Thursday and bring the bike to the cottage and see what happens :)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
24 Hour Success
To be honest...I didn't know what to expect. I've been "training" and I use this term loosely...really just "riding" pretty consistently, on average, every second day and have logged a couple longer rides in prep for this 24 hour event, Hot August Nights. We had all the prep in place. Loaded up all my gear and with pops in the passenger side, headed out to Albion hills Friday a.m. Set-up camp at the PERFECT spot just after transition point and decided to settle in for some of the "local cuisine" at the chalet. Plan was to do a mellow pre-ride of the course and bumped into a few guys along the way. First and FUN was bound to be after the pre-ride. Then...chilled in for the evening.
The next day was pretty mellow...slept in and started off with a McChico, normal pre-race mixing and watching Tanya Flemming do her amazing low maintenance prep of her solo site. No nerves.....just excitement as I lined up on the start. Thanks to Matt Spak who shared some valuable and most likely a PIVOTAL bit of advice regarding heat stroke aversion and off we went. Lap times were fast...I had a hard time slowing down because the course was just too damn FUN and FAST. I have to say the pops was a CHAMP when it came to support in the pits...everything from coffee on hand to fresh headbands washed and ready...can't say enough about this guy...he better stick around for a while, because after these results...a winning team :) for 2011..
So, I just kept riding...all night....16 hours in, a few coffee, plate of pasta, and numerous conconctions (sp?) of heed/perpetuum etc, and feeling good it came to about 4 a.m......pausing at this stage of the game is a potential game BREAKER...getting cold is the battle....pops was draping me with poncho liners, warm towels, jackets, hats etc....was about to pack it in...Pops had another idea...he was on board, keeping tabs with race results (honestly I was just looking to PB) and told me if I were to get another lap or two in (13) then I'd most likely come away with 6th out of 17 brain really wasn't in the "negotiating" mode and just took his word for it. So, donned with full finger gloves, warm-up tights (yeah...I said "tights), off I went to finish my last lap that turned into my favourite DAWN lap....perfect ending.
Handed in my chip, saw my placing as 6th and quite satisfied with reaching my goals of beating last years 10 laps and riding all throughout the night. This strategy was in my favor as the weather was super hot on Saturday DAY and Sunday DAY.....end result...6th place with NO chance of doing any better than that given 5th place who was secured by Stefan...very strong rider from B.C...shot the shit while riding trails all night, who finished with 20. 7th place also got 13 laps but rode right up to the 24th hour to achieve. My ride essentially was a sustained (with small breaks) 18 hours...look back on that and shake my head.
New goal........take the advice of the the honorable Mr. Spak and get a coach for next pre/season and see how far I can fly in this under 40 category??....a little concerned though....can I continue to take in my daily beer quota???? Check out these stats:
15 hours 03 minutes of ride time
avg 143 bpm (not bad...thats aerobic), max 219 (that's not)....this polar monitor......wondering about it...may need to go Garmin next year :)
In zone 11 hours 50 min; above 3 hours 1 min; below 10 min..that doesn't add up??
9781 Kcal
192.5 km according to the polar
avg spd 12.9 max 44.8
Currently...had an hour nap.....two beer in and plan on keeping the tops twisting to celebrate a great end of season is now raised....shit....................
Next on the agenda...stay off the bike all week (maybe a couple days at least) and then have some fun with some playing on road and mountain bike in anticipation of a freaking great BBB with the boys Sept 5th in Muskoka's...a little buckwallow, santa's...some spots to test the tried and true that bike and am thinking keeping it for next season and just beef it up with some I 9's......back to beer ;)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Cyclist rear ended...first on scene
ADRENALINE!!!!!! I'm just leaving a satisfying consult with a client who will benefit greatly from a lateral compartment OA brace when I hear this eerie.....POP!!!!! The sound of a rear wheel being destroyed by a late series mini van. I "B-LINED" it across the road and hit the four way flashers not knowing what to expect. Luckily he wasn't too badly broken...his bike on the other hand....not so good.
The driver of the van who hit him was obviously in shock and was staying in his vehicle...probably from the fact that I was shooting non-verbals in a "DON"T FUCKING COME ANY CLOSER" kind of fashion....fellow man down..instinct. Of course, I didn't bring my cell phone with me....My first words were to the cyclist down asking him if he was ok...he was doing his own self assessment at this stage...we all know the kind....body scan...moving each joint...all's good....some real good road rash appears to be all as far as I know..
The driver of the van gets out..I point at him and practically yell....YOU HAVE A CELL PHONE?? CALL 911!!!!!...apparently this may have shaken him as he retreated back to his vehicle. He decides to move his van that was once protecting the down cyclist from traffic to the SIDE OF THE ROAD?!?!?!?!?! passing motorists are calling 911...everyone that asks if someone has called is retorted with a NO, please call...VERY IMPRESSED with 911 services...must have been less than 3 minutes until fire, police, and soon after ambulance.
So now that the cyclist seems to be stable and free from significant injury.....I comment on his bike....ask him how he likes the egg beaters and tell him that he is in the market for a new wheel set...humour was good ;) MOre chit chat....find out he is a soldier, knows my father and is aware I'm riding the 24 hour this weekend with my pops as support....this meeting was meant to be.....could have been worse. Glad to see it wasn't.
Lesson learned.....don't ride at dusk......toward the sun......just freaking dangerous. Man, I'm still vibrating from adrenaline....may need to change careers to paramedic ;)
The driver of the van who hit him was obviously in shock and was staying in his vehicle...probably from the fact that I was shooting non-verbals in a "DON"T FUCKING COME ANY CLOSER" kind of fashion....fellow man down..instinct. Of course, I didn't bring my cell phone with me....My first words were to the cyclist down asking him if he was ok...he was doing his own self assessment at this stage...we all know the kind....body scan...moving each joint...all's good....some real good road rash appears to be all as far as I know..
The driver of the van gets out..I point at him and practically yell....YOU HAVE A CELL PHONE?? CALL 911!!!!!...apparently this may have shaken him as he retreated back to his vehicle. He decides to move his van that was once protecting the down cyclist from traffic to the SIDE OF THE ROAD?!?!?!?!?! passing motorists are calling 911...everyone that asks if someone has called is retorted with a NO, please call...VERY IMPRESSED with 911 services...must have been less than 3 minutes until fire, police, and soon after ambulance.
So now that the cyclist seems to be stable and free from significant injury.....I comment on his bike....ask him how he likes the egg beaters and tell him that he is in the market for a new wheel set...humour was good ;) MOre chit chat....find out he is a soldier, knows my father and is aware I'm riding the 24 hour this weekend with my pops as support....this meeting was meant to be.....could have been worse. Glad to see it wasn't.
Lesson learned.....don't ride at dusk......toward the sun......just freaking dangerous. Man, I'm still vibrating from adrenaline....may need to change careers to paramedic ;)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Recovery ride?? MOre of a ripper!!
You gotta love a great training partner..the kind of guy that makes it literally IMPOSSIBLE to say no to any scheduled ride unless circumstances are absolutely dire or death is imminent. My plan was to just be mellow this week....that changed quickly last night when I got a text inviting me to a "recovery ride" we all know what this means Fil was looking forward to taunting me on every hill and challenging me with some pace lines.
It's funny....much like back in my University days, discussing that we were just going to go out for a "couple" beers and behave always turned into an absolute tabacle (sp?)...this is like the "recovery" ride with Fil....It all went wrong/right when as I was unloading the bike and about to clip in we saw this fit dude ripping through town about 40 plus was ON!!!!!!! We were hammering through town, maintaining visual with our target and closing in..first climb, Fil challenges and it's a freakin hammer fest :) This guys cut left and we kept on straight for our scheduled loop...never did see him again, must have chosen an entirely different loop.
So, this ride essentially became a pretty good tempo ride with some decent alternating attacks on climbs and some ~ 50 plus k/hr pace lining our last 12 k. Came close to getting clipped with a "wide load trailer"...instinctively dropped a few gears and tried to get sucked in to the draft...a few seconds too slow on the trigger finger and not enough brute power to catch up...Hear a nasty PING and got airborne following Fil about 2" from his rear tire in a tight draft when I hit a pretty nasty rock WHICH, Fil now that I know you know about this neglected to tell me about ;) and am impressed with the campy wheelset and fondriest frame for absorbing that one...did cause the bars to drop into a more "aggressive" mode though....could have been worse...great way to end the ride. plan is to stay off the bike...odds are looking good on that one...we'll see..STATS san Polar
1 hr 30 min
approximately 50 K...I think
In zone 55 min
76% avg HR
94% peak
45% min
1494 Calories
It's funny....much like back in my University days, discussing that we were just going to go out for a "couple" beers and behave always turned into an absolute tabacle (sp?)...this is like the "recovery" ride with Fil....It all went wrong/right when as I was unloading the bike and about to clip in we saw this fit dude ripping through town about 40 plus was ON!!!!!!! We were hammering through town, maintaining visual with our target and closing in..first climb, Fil challenges and it's a freakin hammer fest :) This guys cut left and we kept on straight for our scheduled loop...never did see him again, must have chosen an entirely different loop.
So, this ride essentially became a pretty good tempo ride with some decent alternating attacks on climbs and some ~ 50 plus k/hr pace lining our last 12 k. Came close to getting clipped with a "wide load trailer"...instinctively dropped a few gears and tried to get sucked in to the draft...a few seconds too slow on the trigger finger and not enough brute power to catch up...Hear a nasty PING and got airborne following Fil about 2" from his rear tire in a tight draft when I hit a pretty nasty rock WHICH, Fil now that I know you know about this neglected to tell me about ;) and am impressed with the campy wheelset and fondriest frame for absorbing that one...did cause the bars to drop into a more "aggressive" mode though....could have been worse...great way to end the ride. plan is to stay off the bike...odds are looking good on that one...we'll see..STATS san Polar
1 hr 30 min
approximately 50 K...I think
In zone 55 min
76% avg HR
94% peak
45% min
1494 Calories
Sunday, August 22, 2010
100 K done..BRING IT HAN SOLO!!
The usual nervousness finalized my early morning decision once my youngest went down for her morning nap.....capture this moment. GOD I LOVE MY WIFE.....she has been so understanding and enabling me to get, at this point, thousands of KM of riding in this season. One more event to go and then it's time to transition into winter frame of mind...XC skiing :)
The decision was made to get 100 km in today, the dilemma was do I do it on my mountain bike to prep for next weekend or go for speed with the trusty Fondriest Mega plus....decision made to take the mountain for the specificity of training for next wknds 24 solo.
The ride was just way to describe it. I chose to carry three bottles and a credit card, luckily, as about 10 k in I noted that I forgot gels/shots....quick bank machine and eyeballing all options for food etc on way out to Glenora Ferry. Effortless spin westward due to a nice moderate tailwind. Got to Glenorra ferry, travelled across and climbed up the hill to Lake on the Mountain for a bite and some coffee.......oasis........
Weather was on/off drizzle and as expected a mild-moderate head/cross wind the entire ride back. The keester definitely DOES not like to be in the mountain saddle for 4 plus hours..may swap it out beginning of next season for the WTB with a bit more cushhhhh.
Home, showered, recoverite, and minutes away from a beer..Stats:
1 hr 45 min - 47.6 km
Avg spd 26.9
Max spd 40.8
1 hr 47 min (bank machine stop)
In zone 26 min
Avg HR 66%....yeah that's right :)
Peak HR 83%
min HR 44%
Total Cal 1147
Ferry ride......climb up the mountain to "Lake on the Mountain"
7 min 34 sec - 2 km
avg spd 16.3, max 27
Sat on Patio, coffee and chicken pot pie......mmmmm SO tempted to have a beer...behaved
2 km back DOWN the hill
Return Ride
2 hr 53 sec
47.3 km ?!?! where was the extra 300 m? on way down
Avg spd 23.5, max 31.6
2 hour 2 min (slight adjustment to remove the MP3 from ears)
In zone 1 hour 26 min
Avg HR 72% Max86% Min 48%
1516 Cal
98.9 km....grrrr I forgot about that when I rode it last year on the road bike.....need to lengthen
2663 Calories.....confirmed...going to get a beer.
Plan....NO riding until next wknd....maybe an easy spin on the mountain (rain all road)
Have the pops come over Thursday night, watch the movie 24 solo and head out early Friday to set up camp for what I anticipate will be my best ever event to date :)
The decision was made to get 100 km in today, the dilemma was do I do it on my mountain bike to prep for next weekend or go for speed with the trusty Fondriest Mega plus....decision made to take the mountain for the specificity of training for next wknds 24 solo.
The ride was just way to describe it. I chose to carry three bottles and a credit card, luckily, as about 10 k in I noted that I forgot gels/shots....quick bank machine and eyeballing all options for food etc on way out to Glenora Ferry. Effortless spin westward due to a nice moderate tailwind. Got to Glenorra ferry, travelled across and climbed up the hill to Lake on the Mountain for a bite and some coffee.......oasis........
Weather was on/off drizzle and as expected a mild-moderate head/cross wind the entire ride back. The keester definitely DOES not like to be in the mountain saddle for 4 plus hours..may swap it out beginning of next season for the WTB with a bit more cushhhhh.
Home, showered, recoverite, and minutes away from a beer..Stats:
1 hr 45 min - 47.6 km
Avg spd 26.9
Max spd 40.8
1 hr 47 min (bank machine stop)
In zone 26 min
Avg HR 66%....yeah that's right :)
Peak HR 83%
min HR 44%
Total Cal 1147
Ferry ride......climb up the mountain to "Lake on the Mountain"
7 min 34 sec - 2 km
avg spd 16.3, max 27
Sat on Patio, coffee and chicken pot pie......mmmmm SO tempted to have a beer...behaved
2 km back DOWN the hill
Return Ride
2 hr 53 sec
47.3 km ?!?! where was the extra 300 m? on way down
Avg spd 23.5, max 31.6
2 hour 2 min (slight adjustment to remove the MP3 from ears)
In zone 1 hour 26 min
Avg HR 72% Max86% Min 48%
1516 Cal
98.9 km....grrrr I forgot about that when I rode it last year on the road bike.....need to lengthen
2663 Calories.....confirmed...going to get a beer.
Plan....NO riding until next wknd....maybe an easy spin on the mountain (rain all road)
Have the pops come over Thursday night, watch the movie 24 solo and head out early Friday to set up camp for what I anticipate will be my best ever event to date :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Road ride...1 wk countdown
Connected with Fil tonight for a bit of a roadie. While I was waiting, I decided to take a map out and look at some other loops that we could do..Fil shows up and some discussion about length of todays ride. Ideas about a century ride were tossed about and smirks were exchanged as we headed out..
The weather was pure and perfect for a great road ride. We decided to head out northbound, further north than our usual cutback east. Stumbled across a little town called Camden East, turned right and was met with continuous new pavement and wide shoulders. I kept thinking about next wknd and what I'm in for....sure, an 80k ride today with, really, minimal vertical and just shy of 2.5 hours of riding is just a few laps in a 24 hour event. Looking forward to testing my mental and physical limits.
Really, no exciting anticdotes or spiritual moments on this ride, other than the fact every climb felt pretty easy and Big ring got it's workout with the small ring feeling much so, that I think it's developed a psychosis.....always love this time of year...leg power is there, recovery is so quick that "sufferring" is getting harder to achieve. That brings me to one topic of conversation that was had on our ride....Cyclocross....don't get it...was wondering if that might be the next bike to hang in the garage as this season is soon approaching. Also like the idea that while out for a ride, making lefts and rights are not dictated on whether it's paved or not....I think of it as a nice mediator between the road bike and mountain bike...not sure what antics would occur around 2 in the morning in the garage when they quietly dismount from their wall hooks and chill out to some of the garage tunes, but isn't that just better to let them deal with their issues on their own?? :)
Stats are interesting:
2 hr 30 min
76.1 km
30.3 km/hr avg....yummy
52.6 max
avg CAD 87; max 114(proves I'm not a true roadie..)
Timex.....can't wait to pick up my freakin POLAR HR strap from my buddy.....
2 hr 39 min start/stop time...inclusive of a phone call received by fils wife on my cell that she was locked out of house......thatta boy....ride kept on and was lengthened ;)
In zone 1 hr 15 min
77% avg HR
92% max....min 36%.....standing baking in the sun while fil speaks his foreign tongue to his woman
2275 Calories...replenished with recoverite, on 4th glass of wine(sister visiting) and some Pad Thai
Plan.......this is a tough one....have some invites for a Sunday night ride but it's supposed to rain on Sunday. I JUST CLEANED MY MT. BIKE and swapped out my cable housing with some cool electric blue....this bike is going to be tested in a week.....I'm thinking, rest this time is priority. Maybe throw the camel back on with some tunes Sunday and head out for a 3 plus hour ride and maybe explore a little area called Parrot Bay, just for fun...and then, realistically....I'm going to stay off the bike for the rest of the week. Oh yeah, ordered this video called 24 solo about this guy (can't recall) who was 7 time 24 hour solo champ...should be good. Hope this comes early in the week. Back to my whine and discussion with a sis who I rarely get to share space with in my living room. PEACE!!
The weather was pure and perfect for a great road ride. We decided to head out northbound, further north than our usual cutback east. Stumbled across a little town called Camden East, turned right and was met with continuous new pavement and wide shoulders. I kept thinking about next wknd and what I'm in for....sure, an 80k ride today with, really, minimal vertical and just shy of 2.5 hours of riding is just a few laps in a 24 hour event. Looking forward to testing my mental and physical limits.
Really, no exciting anticdotes or spiritual moments on this ride, other than the fact every climb felt pretty easy and Big ring got it's workout with the small ring feeling much so, that I think it's developed a psychosis.....always love this time of year...leg power is there, recovery is so quick that "sufferring" is getting harder to achieve. That brings me to one topic of conversation that was had on our ride....Cyclocross....don't get it...was wondering if that might be the next bike to hang in the garage as this season is soon approaching. Also like the idea that while out for a ride, making lefts and rights are not dictated on whether it's paved or not....I think of it as a nice mediator between the road bike and mountain bike...not sure what antics would occur around 2 in the morning in the garage when they quietly dismount from their wall hooks and chill out to some of the garage tunes, but isn't that just better to let them deal with their issues on their own?? :)
Stats are interesting:
2 hr 30 min
76.1 km
30.3 km/hr avg....yummy
52.6 max
avg CAD 87; max 114(proves I'm not a true roadie..)
Timex.....can't wait to pick up my freakin POLAR HR strap from my buddy.....
2 hr 39 min start/stop time...inclusive of a phone call received by fils wife on my cell that she was locked out of house......thatta boy....ride kept on and was lengthened ;)
In zone 1 hr 15 min
77% avg HR
92% max....min 36%.....standing baking in the sun while fil speaks his foreign tongue to his woman
2275 Calories...replenished with recoverite, on 4th glass of wine(sister visiting) and some Pad Thai
Plan.......this is a tough one....have some invites for a Sunday night ride but it's supposed to rain on Sunday. I JUST CLEANED MY MT. BIKE and swapped out my cable housing with some cool electric blue....this bike is going to be tested in a week.....I'm thinking, rest this time is priority. Maybe throw the camel back on with some tunes Sunday and head out for a 3 plus hour ride and maybe explore a little area called Parrot Bay, just for fun...and then, realistically....I'm going to stay off the bike for the rest of the week. Oh yeah, ordered this video called 24 solo about this guy (can't recall) who was 7 time 24 hour solo champ...should be good. Hope this comes early in the week. Back to my whine and discussion with a sis who I rarely get to share space with in my living room. PEACE!!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Pre-contemplative thoughts
Just cracked a beer after a productive day generating reports that comment of forces, frequencies and postures. Feeling a lot more comfortable with my home office scenario of late.....makes me wonder about why I choose solo events over "team" the last couple of years.....Hmmmmm
A little thought about plan of attack for prep for next wknd's 24. The body is feeling pretty tight...could be from spending hours in a static position in front of a laptop....hmm not practicing what I preach....again. The plan is to get a road ride in with Fil tomorrow night. He's jonsing for that 70 k loop out and back through the route and especially when there's a paceline. As i will be working from home tomorrow, the escape for a ride will be just what the good Dr. Fil ordered. This wknd is slated to be a family sister is visiting on Friday night and we are off to the folks Saturday night and my wife wants to check out a beach in Lansdowne on Sunday...I think bringing the bike TO the beach and riding HOME will be the plan for the wknd...other than that.....I'm thinking bike prep for the next wknd is par for the course.....from my experience last year.....this race RUINED me psychologically....don't remember when I craved getting on the bike....I think it was like a MONTH later...this time round should be different. Especially as we have a reunion in the muskoka's in a pimped out host's house/cottage September 25th....always a little test in nudging everyone's fitness and drinking levels...should be fun..on that note..time to "carb load" with a beverage :)
A little thought about plan of attack for prep for next wknd's 24. The body is feeling pretty tight...could be from spending hours in a static position in front of a laptop....hmm not practicing what I preach....again. The plan is to get a road ride in with Fil tomorrow night. He's jonsing for that 70 k loop out and back through the route and especially when there's a paceline. As i will be working from home tomorrow, the escape for a ride will be just what the good Dr. Fil ordered. This wknd is slated to be a family sister is visiting on Friday night and we are off to the folks Saturday night and my wife wants to check out a beach in Lansdowne on Sunday...I think bringing the bike TO the beach and riding HOME will be the plan for the wknd...other than that.....I'm thinking bike prep for the next wknd is par for the course.....from my experience last year.....this race RUINED me psychologically....don't remember when I craved getting on the bike....I think it was like a MONTH later...this time round should be different. Especially as we have a reunion in the muskoka's in a pimped out host's house/cottage September 25th....always a little test in nudging everyone's fitness and drinking levels...should be fun..on that note..time to "carb load" with a beverage :)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Night Ride complete
Just over a week and a half until 24 hr...night ride with Fil tonight...feeling STRONG. Watched, briefly, as fil went head over on a bridge with me, following too close and with no where to go, also taking a dip in what I always thought was a deeeeep swamp...not so much.
1 hour and 36 minutes of flowy and fast single track....probably get one more night ride in pre 24...big road ride Friday and next week..melllllloooo
1 hour and 36 minutes of flowy and fast single track....probably get one more night ride in pre 24...big road ride Friday and next week..melllllloooo
Monday, August 16, 2010
road ride turned NIGHT RIDE :)
Met a coworker who is getting into the sport of road riding tonight. Off to a late start with a plan to get the Wilton 70 k loop in before dark......about 40 k in and about 30 minutes left of light we chose to ride to moonlight for the remaining 30 K....sketchy but fun :)
Kudos to Molly for riding strong and riding her first night ride..lesson learned though...if in doubt...bring lights :)
Stats pretty mellow:
2 hr: 38 min
70.6 k
avg spd 26.9
max 50.9
avg CAD 85
Max CAD 107
ride time 2 hr: 37 minute to take off dark lenses and ride just with prescription inserts due to lack of light :)
Avg HR 72%
max 93%
min 40%
2181 calories
Plan ride with Fil tomorrow with a bit more tempo and some pacelining...route to be determined...ultimate goal...ride ride ride this week and rest rest rest next week in prep for 24 hr solo...IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!!! BOOYAH
Kudos to Molly for riding strong and riding her first night ride..lesson learned though...if in doubt...bring lights :)
Stats pretty mellow:
2 hr: 38 min
70.6 k
avg spd 26.9
max 50.9
avg CAD 85
Max CAD 107
ride time 2 hr: 37 minute to take off dark lenses and ride just with prescription inserts due to lack of light :)
Avg HR 72%
max 93%
min 40%
2181 calories
Plan ride with Fil tomorrow with a bit more tempo and some pacelining...route to be determined...ultimate goal...ride ride ride this week and rest rest rest next week in prep for 24 hr solo...IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!!! BOOYAH
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Easy spin?? WTF wind?!?!?!?
It was ricocheting in my head all morning as I was sitting in front of a computer commenting of forces, frequencies and postures for work. Finally after feeling quite productive and ahead of schedule, I decided......I'll just do that 70 k loop at a low intensity kind of 24 hour solo pace.......does that ever really happen?? After about 5 minutes in and shifting into lower and lower gears, I was amazed to see my avg speed hovering around 38 k/hr.....hmm must be a bit of a tail wind as i wasn't even feeling like a 4 or 5/10 RPE.
That's when I realized the direction of normally Kingston has a gentle (whatever) southwestern wind and I was assuming this would be the case, hence my out westbound in what I anticipated would be a headwind, a jog north for a bit of a tailwind/cross and a return route with a combination cross/headwind. Wasn't really the case....blah blah whine whine whine..
Finished a nice little 70 k, stopped in to a Fourwinns dealer and eyeballed a sweet deal on a 17 ft boat and am about to have a shower.....hmmm 2010 with trailer for 15,999........but it ain't no Larson ;)
Stats and Plan for wknd:
2 hr 32 min
70.3 km
27.6 km/hr avg....mello
53.9 km/hr max
Avg CAD 90
Max CAD 115
2 hr 40 min......8 min of gawking at a new boat
In Zone 1 hr 32 min
Avg HR 74%.....perrrrrfect
peak HR 87%....perrrrfect...probably caught when I was looking at the boat in the showroom :)
Min 41%
Total calories 2115....can you say...shower and beer?? after recoverite :)
Plan - as I am working from home tomorrow...will hammer in front of a computer and if the bike beckons....who am I to ignore the signs and signals??
This wknd....bring bike with me?? Naah, this wknd is about my grandmother and family..we will be having a private ceremony in Ottawa where my Grandfather and Aunt are residing. Quite honored to be the urn bearer?? Is that the proper term? And also going to perform a tradition which I am going to jump on board with as well, pass some of her ashes at the cottage.....bit of a boat ride I presume and followed up with a bit of a toast I reckon :)
2 weeks and counting until I meet face to face with my soul in the 24 hour I ready?? Can you ever be??? We'll see.
That's when I realized the direction of normally Kingston has a gentle (whatever) southwestern wind and I was assuming this would be the case, hence my out westbound in what I anticipated would be a headwind, a jog north for a bit of a tailwind/cross and a return route with a combination cross/headwind. Wasn't really the case....blah blah whine whine whine..
Finished a nice little 70 k, stopped in to a Fourwinns dealer and eyeballed a sweet deal on a 17 ft boat and am about to have a shower.....hmmm 2010 with trailer for 15,999........but it ain't no Larson ;)
Stats and Plan for wknd:
2 hr 32 min
70.3 km
27.6 km/hr avg....mello
53.9 km/hr max
Avg CAD 90
Max CAD 115
2 hr 40 min......8 min of gawking at a new boat
In Zone 1 hr 32 min
Avg HR 74%.....perrrrrfect
peak HR 87%....perrrrfect...probably caught when I was looking at the boat in the showroom :)
Min 41%
Total calories 2115....can you say...shower and beer?? after recoverite :)
Plan - as I am working from home tomorrow...will hammer in front of a computer and if the bike beckons....who am I to ignore the signs and signals??
This wknd....bring bike with me?? Naah, this wknd is about my grandmother and family..we will be having a private ceremony in Ottawa where my Grandfather and Aunt are residing. Quite honored to be the urn bearer?? Is that the proper term? And also going to perform a tradition which I am going to jump on board with as well, pass some of her ashes at the cottage.....bit of a boat ride I presume and followed up with a bit of a toast I reckon :)
2 weeks and counting until I meet face to face with my soul in the 24 hour I ready?? Can you ever be??? We'll see.
Monday, August 9, 2010
And the Thunder rolllllls
So about 78 km into my ride yesterday, I get a text from the good doctah jonesin' for a ride....the good thing about a training partner is that unless you are suffering from pneumonia, broken limb (more on that theory later...fil ruined it), or in between bouts of chemo, you don't say NO to a ride. He intro'd it perfect....just an easy one...a recovery ride for you and an easy one for me due to a pretty bad ankle sprain he sustained while canyoning out west 10 days ago.
On my way home from work...I looked up at the skies, acknowledged the sound of thunder, and made the call......Fil answers verbatim, "You're calling me to tell me we're going riding...right?" As noted above.....I quickly responded...yup. Hightailed it to wife's car swapped rack over to mine, grabbed my tools and pump from the trunk into mine, ripped home, inhaled a recoverite to make up for lack of food today...freakin work gets in the way allll the time. Filled up a couple bottles...BIG fan of Perpetuum WITH honey...a new addiction. loaded up with the checklist in head and met up with Fil and a new rider, Molly. Molly is a PT I work with who is....for lack of a better way of addressing it....a machine.
Fil was a little miffed that I invited another rider as I was soon to find out that his "sprained ankle" was avulsion. Now in laymans terms....this is essentially a fracture. He shows up for a ride with a broken limb......strike that one off the list of valid excuses NOT to ride...thanks it's just chemo and pneumonia. So I guess he was actually serious that this WAS to be an easy ride.
BTW, did I mention I tapped into a MONSTER energy drink pre-ride....another concauction that I'm beginning to be a big fan of. Rain was misty and the ride turned out to be somewhat magical with a somewhat cooling mist to rid the body of it's evil. Essentially a nice little recovery ride, a bit too much for someone with a broken ankle and just right for a new rider on the block. We picked some relatively flat routes to keep fil from curbing his tendency to ignore common sense by pushing his ankle......ER docs should know better?....well, we all don't practice what we preach.
Good ride and felt good to be on the geometry of the road bike. Hoping to get out Wednesday if wife's post work plans fall through, otherwise Thursday road and bring the mountain bike to cottage....probably not repeat the rail trail.....solo......may ride road back vs mountain..yeah that sounds more like it. Stats:
1 hour 42 min is what it is...recovery ride...freakin hard to just be mellow....maybe that's why I can't get to "the next level"...what does coach troy say....sometimes you have to train slower to get faster.......once again...practice what I preach.....learning
Avg spd 27.6....melllloooooo
max 49.2
avg CAD 88
Max CAD 114
Avg HR 74%
Peak 99%....yeah...recovery ride or not, I hammered this double cresting hill and pretty much came close to passing out...but in a good way :)
1598 Cal
On my way home from work...I looked up at the skies, acknowledged the sound of thunder, and made the call......Fil answers verbatim, "You're calling me to tell me we're going riding...right?" As noted above.....I quickly responded...yup. Hightailed it to wife's car swapped rack over to mine, grabbed my tools and pump from the trunk into mine, ripped home, inhaled a recoverite to make up for lack of food today...freakin work gets in the way allll the time. Filled up a couple bottles...BIG fan of Perpetuum WITH honey...a new addiction. loaded up with the checklist in head and met up with Fil and a new rider, Molly. Molly is a PT I work with who is....for lack of a better way of addressing it....a machine.
Fil was a little miffed that I invited another rider as I was soon to find out that his "sprained ankle" was avulsion. Now in laymans terms....this is essentially a fracture. He shows up for a ride with a broken limb......strike that one off the list of valid excuses NOT to ride...thanks it's just chemo and pneumonia. So I guess he was actually serious that this WAS to be an easy ride.
BTW, did I mention I tapped into a MONSTER energy drink pre-ride....another concauction that I'm beginning to be a big fan of. Rain was misty and the ride turned out to be somewhat magical with a somewhat cooling mist to rid the body of it's evil. Essentially a nice little recovery ride, a bit too much for someone with a broken ankle and just right for a new rider on the block. We picked some relatively flat routes to keep fil from curbing his tendency to ignore common sense by pushing his ankle......ER docs should know better?....well, we all don't practice what we preach.
Good ride and felt good to be on the geometry of the road bike. Hoping to get out Wednesday if wife's post work plans fall through, otherwise Thursday road and bring the mountain bike to cottage....probably not repeat the rail trail.....solo......may ride road back vs mountain..yeah that sounds more like it. Stats:
1 hour 42 min is what it is...recovery ride...freakin hard to just be mellow....maybe that's why I can't get to "the next level"...what does coach troy say....sometimes you have to train slower to get faster.......once again...practice what I preach.....learning
Avg spd 27.6....melllloooooo
max 49.2
avg CAD 88
Max CAD 114
Avg HR 74%
Peak 99%....yeah...recovery ride or not, I hammered this double cresting hill and pretty much came close to passing out...but in a good way :)
1598 Cal
Sunday, August 8, 2010
A little bit o this and a little bit o THAT!! SNAP!
Another great wknd at the cottage. The only difference was that it was just Jac, me and the kids. Weather was beauty all wknd and the little boat was used for a couple "family" puts around the lake. Even got the canoe out and ripped around an island or two to wayfind the rocks that I once knew every hazard on the lake......time to refresh that memory for next year....that announcement will have to wait :)
Brought the mountain bike with and was planning to ride home via the Cataraqui trail. Now, let me just clarify rail's flat......which means no climbing or descending, which translated into a 4 and a half hour spin. I had this nervous feeling in my gut that I was going to meet up with a bear this ride...luckily, other than a hissing and snapping moderate to large snapping turtle, no wildlife thought I would make a good dinner. Came across a car about 10 km past Chaffey's locks that was parked on the rail trail....mighty suspicious and when I looked further into the woods a makeshift tarp tent.....kept on moving after that one.
This ride was in a word...punishing. Punishing because I thought, for one, pumping up my tires to 50 psi would be a good idea.....even with my ergon grips, it was hard to find a comfy position. I had with me 3 L of Heed and a lg water bottle with a 4 hour prep of Perpetuum...I'm now over the taste of Caffe Latte. For substance, I also brought a shot block. Now weekends at the cottage are not the most .....ummmm.....healthy ways for me to treat my liver. My wife and I let loose both nights doing quite well to put a dent in the beer we brought up and managed to find some interesting frozen treats...see below:

This morning it was humid and misty with rain. Not the most ideal weather for what I figured would be a 70-80 k mountain hesitation though..I've got a 24 hour SOLO to train for in a matter of weeks. The hammies were not happy nor was my Keester for the first 30 minutes to an hour. After that hour in...hammies were good but the keester....not happy with me right up I was changing between big ring and middle/lower predominantly just to keep the ride a bit novel. Nice look out over a bridge that was just passed Chaffey's locks:

Not much to really comment other than the fact I got spit out at Perth road village, freaked out the staff at the little store by just walking around for about 5 minutes before the rather attractive female from the back room asked if I was looking for anything in particular. They were probably looking to get me out of there as I was dripping sweat and probably not smelling too well with over 50 k of riding in at that point. Did see some home made butter tarts and added a gatorade to the equation and fired that back before mounting my steed and making my road ride back south on Perth road.
This is when it kind of got a bit miserable....rain and moderate head wind....for the remainder of my 33 k ride back home. Meandered down unity road and connected with the K&P trail to get me home. Tired....wife had sandwhich prepped for me....taking my last bit of energy to finalize this blog before I retire to the basement for some channel surfing: Stats san HR monitor as I forgot it...
4 hr 20 min
83.6 k
19.2 km/hr
54.4 max riding buddy fil is back from saving lives out West and reports a sprained ankle from canyoning....road ride either tomorrow or Tuesday (probably Tuesday) to catch up with fil and then every second day get some riding in whether it be road or mountain to prep for 24 at end of August. *Yawn* couch beckons.....
Brought the mountain bike with and was planning to ride home via the Cataraqui trail. Now, let me just clarify rail's flat......which means no climbing or descending, which translated into a 4 and a half hour spin. I had this nervous feeling in my gut that I was going to meet up with a bear this ride...luckily, other than a hissing and snapping moderate to large snapping turtle, no wildlife thought I would make a good dinner. Came across a car about 10 km past Chaffey's locks that was parked on the rail trail....mighty suspicious and when I looked further into the woods a makeshift tarp tent.....kept on moving after that one.
This ride was in a word...punishing. Punishing because I thought, for one, pumping up my tires to 50 psi would be a good idea.....even with my ergon grips, it was hard to find a comfy position. I had with me 3 L of Heed and a lg water bottle with a 4 hour prep of Perpetuum...I'm now over the taste of Caffe Latte. For substance, I also brought a shot block. Now weekends at the cottage are not the most .....ummmm.....healthy ways for me to treat my liver. My wife and I let loose both nights doing quite well to put a dent in the beer we brought up and managed to find some interesting frozen treats...see below:
This morning it was humid and misty with rain. Not the most ideal weather for what I figured would be a 70-80 k mountain hesitation though..I've got a 24 hour SOLO to train for in a matter of weeks. The hammies were not happy nor was my Keester for the first 30 minutes to an hour. After that hour in...hammies were good but the keester....not happy with me right up I was changing between big ring and middle/lower predominantly just to keep the ride a bit novel. Nice look out over a bridge that was just passed Chaffey's locks:
Not much to really comment other than the fact I got spit out at Perth road village, freaked out the staff at the little store by just walking around for about 5 minutes before the rather attractive female from the back room asked if I was looking for anything in particular. They were probably looking to get me out of there as I was dripping sweat and probably not smelling too well with over 50 k of riding in at that point. Did see some home made butter tarts and added a gatorade to the equation and fired that back before mounting my steed and making my road ride back south on Perth road.
This is when it kind of got a bit miserable....rain and moderate head wind....for the remainder of my 33 k ride back home. Meandered down unity road and connected with the K&P trail to get me home. Tired....wife had sandwhich prepped for me....taking my last bit of energy to finalize this blog before I retire to the basement for some channel surfing: Stats san HR monitor as I forgot it...
4 hr 20 min
83.6 k
19.2 km/hr
54.4 max riding buddy fil is back from saving lives out West and reports a sprained ankle from canyoning....road ride either tomorrow or Tuesday (probably Tuesday) to catch up with fil and then every second day get some riding in whether it be road or mountain to prep for 24 at end of August. *Yawn* couch beckons.....
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Martinis, beer, wine golf and boating new training regimine??
I'm alluding to the fact that I had not been on a any two wheeled craft since last Thursday's night ride and am feeling pretty satisfied with today's 30 plus hammer fest in the hot hot sun today. Kingston makes it easy to choose your weapon of choice.....winds of 30-40 plus mph in a direction that would make the most optimistic become suicidal. Mountain bike it was. I decided to donn my Louis Garneau green and white jersey and bib short for some kicks and loaded up my pockets with heed and bottle rack with pepetuum (cafe latte) and headed out to see how the body would react to my neglect of fitness over the wknd...
I was anticipating some fatigue due to heat, headwind (initially) and generally poor fueling today, due to a mad session in front of the computer hammering out reports....but ALAS, legs were spinning rhythmically and heart rate/breathing was steady and in reserve..
Made the quick decision to turn left vs right to lengthen the ride to a 30 k vs 20 k loop and had some fun dialing in to some U2 and Oasis.....highly recommend Oasis for some trail bashing. Was dipping and diving, leaning and counterleaning heavily around corners like a tactician. All was feeling great. Cleaned the new technical rock garden climbs and had one experience where I hit a sharp right from double into single track in a 4-wheel drift resulting in ricoccheting off a sign post and a tree.....but it felt......right :) quick pain, blood etc :) and borderline bonking the last 5 k back along lake Ontario and refueling with the remainder of my perpetuum and some recoverite.
1 hr 49 min
33.5 km
avg spd 18.4 km....yup confirmed....was definitely hammering :)
max spd 36.8
1 hour 51 min = 3 min of pausing to adjust MP3 player :)
In Zone 24 min
avg HR 84%; Peak 97%; Min 47%
1835 Calories it by ear re: weather......
I was anticipating some fatigue due to heat, headwind (initially) and generally poor fueling today, due to a mad session in front of the computer hammering out reports....but ALAS, legs were spinning rhythmically and heart rate/breathing was steady and in reserve..
Made the quick decision to turn left vs right to lengthen the ride to a 30 k vs 20 k loop and had some fun dialing in to some U2 and Oasis.....highly recommend Oasis for some trail bashing. Was dipping and diving, leaning and counterleaning heavily around corners like a tactician. All was feeling great. Cleaned the new technical rock garden climbs and had one experience where I hit a sharp right from double into single track in a 4-wheel drift resulting in ricoccheting off a sign post and a tree.....but it felt......right :) quick pain, blood etc :) and borderline bonking the last 5 k back along lake Ontario and refueling with the remainder of my perpetuum and some recoverite.
1 hr 49 min
33.5 km
avg spd 18.4 km....yup confirmed....was definitely hammering :)
max spd 36.8
1 hour 51 min = 3 min of pausing to adjust MP3 player :)
In Zone 24 min
avg HR 84%; Peak 97%; Min 47%
1835 Calories it by ear re: weather......
Monday, August 2, 2010
No riding and "OK" with that
Long wknd at the cottage. Just beer, golf, eating well and the occasional dirty martini. Brought bike with me and brought it back.....first wknd in a long time I wasn't "itching" to get a ride in.
Plan......get back on the schedule beginning tomorrow with a roadie....rain or shine :)
Plan......get back on the schedule beginning tomorrow with a roadie....rain or shine :)
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