Monday, August 9, 2010

And the Thunder rolllllls

So about 78 km into my ride yesterday, I get a text from the good doctah jonesin' for a ride....the good thing about a training partner is that unless you are suffering from pneumonia, broken limb (more on that theory later...fil ruined it), or in between bouts of chemo, you don't say NO to a ride. He intro'd it perfect....just an easy one...a recovery ride for you and an easy one for me due to a pretty bad ankle sprain he sustained while canyoning out west 10 days ago.

On my way home from work...I looked up at the skies, acknowledged the sound of thunder, and made the call......Fil answers verbatim, "You're calling me to tell me we're going riding...right?" As noted above.....I quickly responded...yup. Hightailed it to wife's car swapped rack over to mine, grabbed my tools and pump from the trunk into mine, ripped home, inhaled a recoverite to make up for lack of food today...freakin work gets in the way allll the time. Filled up a couple bottles...BIG fan of Perpetuum WITH honey...a new addiction. loaded up with the checklist in head and met up with Fil and a new rider, Molly. Molly is a PT I work with who is....for lack of a better way of addressing it....a machine.

Fil was a little miffed that I invited another rider as I was soon to find out that his "sprained ankle" was avulsion. Now in laymans terms....this is essentially a fracture. He shows up for a ride with a broken limb......strike that one off the list of valid excuses NOT to ride...thanks it's just chemo and pneumonia. So I guess he was actually serious that this WAS to be an easy ride.

BTW, did I mention I tapped into a MONSTER energy drink pre-ride....another concauction that I'm beginning to be a big fan of. Rain was misty and the ride turned out to be somewhat magical with a somewhat cooling mist to rid the body of it's evil. Essentially a nice little recovery ride, a bit too much for someone with a broken ankle and just right for a new rider on the block. We picked some relatively flat routes to keep fil from curbing his tendency to ignore common sense by pushing his ankle......ER docs should know better?....well, we all don't practice what we preach.

Good ride and felt good to be on the geometry of the road bike. Hoping to get out Wednesday if wife's post work plans fall through, otherwise Thursday road and bring the mountain bike to cottage....probably not repeat the rail trail.....solo......may ride road back vs mountain..yeah that sounds more like it. Stats:

1 hour 42 min is what it is...recovery ride...freakin hard to just be mellow....maybe that's why I can't get to "the next level"...what does coach troy say....sometimes you have to train slower to get faster.......once again...practice what I preach.....learning
Avg spd 27.6....melllloooooo
max 49.2
avg CAD 88
Max CAD 114
Avg HR 74%
Peak 99%....yeah...recovery ride or not, I hammered this double cresting hill and pretty much came close to passing out...but in a good way :)
1598 Cal

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