To be honest...I didn't know what to expect. I've been "training" and I use this term loosely...really just "riding" pretty consistently, on average, every second day and have logged a couple longer rides in prep for this 24 hour event, Hot August Nights. We had all the prep in place. Loaded up all my gear and with pops in the passenger side, headed out to Albion hills Friday a.m. Set-up camp at the PERFECT spot just after transition point and decided to settle in for some of the "local cuisine" at the chalet. Plan was to do a mellow pre-ride of the course and bumped into a few guys along the way. First and FUN was bound to be after the pre-ride. Then...chilled in for the evening.
The next day was pretty mellow...slept in and started off with a McChico, normal pre-race mixing and watching Tanya Flemming do her amazing low maintenance prep of her solo site. No nerves.....just excitement as I lined up on the start. Thanks to Matt Spak who shared some valuable and most likely a PIVOTAL bit of advice regarding heat stroke aversion and off we went. Lap times were fast...I had a hard time slowing down because the course was just too damn FUN and FAST. I have to say the pops was a CHAMP when it came to support in the pits...everything from coffee on hand to fresh headbands washed and ready...can't say enough about this guy...he better stick around for a while, because after these results...a winning team :) for 2011..
So, I just kept riding...all night....16 hours in, a few coffee, plate of pasta, and numerous conconctions (sp?) of heed/perpetuum etc, and feeling good it came to about 4 a.m......pausing at this stage of the game is a potential game BREAKER...getting cold is the battle....pops was draping me with poncho liners, warm towels, jackets, hats etc....was about to pack it in...Pops had another idea...he was on board, keeping tabs with race results (honestly I was just looking to PB) and told me if I were to get another lap or two in (13) then I'd most likely come away with 6th out of 17 brain really wasn't in the "negotiating" mode and just took his word for it. So, donned with full finger gloves, warm-up tights (yeah...I said "tights), off I went to finish my last lap that turned into my favourite DAWN lap....perfect ending.
Handed in my chip, saw my placing as 6th and quite satisfied with reaching my goals of beating last years 10 laps and riding all throughout the night. This strategy was in my favor as the weather was super hot on Saturday DAY and Sunday DAY.....end result...6th place with NO chance of doing any better than that given 5th place who was secured by Stefan...very strong rider from B.C...shot the shit while riding trails all night, who finished with 20. 7th place also got 13 laps but rode right up to the 24th hour to achieve. My ride essentially was a sustained (with small breaks) 18 hours...look back on that and shake my head.
New goal........take the advice of the the honorable Mr. Spak and get a coach for next pre/season and see how far I can fly in this under 40 category??....a little concerned though....can I continue to take in my daily beer quota???? Check out these stats:
15 hours 03 minutes of ride time
avg 143 bpm (not bad...thats aerobic), max 219 (that's not)....this polar monitor......wondering about it...may need to go Garmin next year :)
In zone 11 hours 50 min; above 3 hours 1 min; below 10 min..that doesn't add up??
9781 Kcal
192.5 km according to the polar
avg spd 12.9 max 44.8
Currently...had an hour nap.....two beer in and plan on keeping the tops twisting to celebrate a great end of season is now raised....shit....................
Next on the agenda...stay off the bike all week (maybe a couple days at least) and then have some fun with some playing on road and mountain bike in anticipation of a freaking great BBB with the boys Sept 5th in Muskoka's...a little buckwallow, santa's...some spots to test the tried and true that bike and am thinking keeping it for next season and just beef it up with some I 9's......back to beer ;)
Freakin amazing - you didn't raise the bar, you shattered it. It's something I will shoot for as well ...192k!