Given I had a cold blah blah blah, I thought for sure that my lap times were faster last year when i looked at last year's results for the Mansfield 8......however avg lap time was 54:34 LAST YEAR and THIS YEAR it was 52:55......hmmmmm and time on bike increased from 6 hours 22 min LAST YEAR to 7 hours 3 min THIS YEAR.....and the most remarkable change....drum roll please.....placed 33rd out of 38 LAST YEAR and 19 out of 33 THIS YEAR..
I will now pat myself on the back acknowledge the Giant Trance X2 and it's superb ability to soak up the terrain and train even more frequent and longer for next months tag team 24.....this should be good. My year's goal is now to DESTROY HAN SOLO 10 laps LAST YEAR and anticipate 14 PLUS LAPS.....this should have an effect for next season....who knows....one day.....one dayyyyy

Oh yes and the most important note of this event. My 4 and a half daughter was my primary support and was handing me blocks and bottles every couple of laps but this was the kicker...after finishing 5 laps and not feeling "on top of my game", I decided to dismount and sit for a bit to re-evaluate my lungs (burning from my developing chest cold) ability to continue without sending me into a tail spin and that's when it happened....my daughter with an intense look in her eye said, "daddy are you here to race...YES OR NO!!!!" In my feeble attempt to politically respond about the importance of personal goals and competition she interrupted me again and said...."YES or...NO?!?!?!"...That was it...back on my bike and didn't get off for a another three straight laps. :) This kid is going to be a force to be reckoned with :)
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