Thursday, May 20, 2010

Posessed by the Devil?

The weather was about 24 degrees today and work ended early. Picked up my 4 yr old her first two wheeler and put on the training wheels and planted it front and centre in the garage for her return home from School/after care.

Back to me.....decided to go light as all of my bike gear was dirty and only had a pair of baggy fox shorts and a souvenir bike jersy san pockets from a previous Utah trip (poison spider). Felt good to head out with nothing on the back....too good, like I was forgetting something, but wasn't. MP3 loaded and off I went to the local trails.

The legs were spinning really fast and effortless the road ride out. Unlocked the suspension and into the trails I was flowin'. Decided after about 35 min in, I'd start doing some 5 and 5 intervals with 5 minutes hard and 5 minutes recovery.....well that is when it happened....The hard 5 just continued and kept on going...I was really enjoying the feeling of breathlessness and lack of leg thing I know I'm hammering harder than ever...Fitness has ARRIVED!!!

Other than a tree reaching out and grabbing me, knocking me down on my left side...nuthin'...That was a KILLER RIDE..Stats:

1 Hr: 15 min Exe time; 1 hr 14 min ride time
avg 85%; max 99%....yeah baby....99%
In zone 35; above 35 min
20.9 km....starting to run out of trail.....need a road trip....Tommy, I may be calling you to ride Durham :)
Avg Spd 16.8, Max 42.8

Tomorrow's Friday...bringing the bike to the cottage, butter up the wifey and get some daily exploratory rides is good!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice. anytime. We rode last night as well - although I still have some leg fatigue from the weekend, but i was stronger than the previous thurs. night
